Monday, July 22, 2024

Our weekend!

 Our weekend was a FULL one!

Last weekend was low key and just filled with hanging out at home and then Church on Sunday followed by Tyler playing golf and Alexis doing some DD hours! Lily and I were the ones just relaxing! :)

This weekend, was full of all the things!

This girl had a big and busy weekend! Doesnt she look SO cute! Life as a teenager...who is driving and just living her best life! She had a sweet date with Isaac, a sweet 16 birthday for KeAshia and then DD hours thrown in there for fun! ha!

Saturday night, this group celebrated Misty and her birthday! Love her like a sister!

Lily was excited to hang out with Reese and show off her new cellphone too. THAT girl! :)

Sunday....she went with Reese to the Braves game. We havent been to a game in years so she was SUPER excited to be with one of her best friends and enjoy the game!

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