Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Our new high schooler!

 Whew, today was A LOT!

It was SO hot in that 7th grade hallway....and mix in a billion 7th graders that could NOT get their lockers opened ..................

and BOY, it was something! :)

Lily was able to get hers opened....one time.... did stress over not knowing where her classes are all going to be but super happy that most of her classes has at least two friends in them! ha!

Priorities on must have friends in classes! :)

We will go back up there, before long, and work on the locker...and triple make sure that she knows and is comfortable on where to go!

She'll be okay!

I am not okay, that she is now in the high school, but I will be! :)

These three were so ready to get in line together to get lockers by each other!

Reese and Lily...trying and trying! ha!

Still practicing!

GOT IT! Now to decorate!

My 7th grader!

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