Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 Tyler and I have ventured into a lot of different activities with each other over the course of our 24 years together. 

We have worked out together.....

did a tennis class at Auburn together.......

competed and played pickleball together.........

rode bikes........

the list goes on and on!

We are always up for a new adventure and F45 is our newest!

It is a tough workout class that most mornings (the class STARTS at 5:15am) I dread having to wake up and go to! ha!

Not going to lie!

It is tough getting up!

It is tough doing the class!


once I am done...

it is 100%  worth it!

So, today marked the last class until Fall semester begins so we have a 2 week break.

It has been an adventure for sure! :)

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