Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Monday, September 23, 2024

Morgan family reunion!

 The Morgan family reunion was yesterday.

We havent had one with this side of the family in a decade. In fact, Alexis was a baby! No Lily yet!

It was such a cute spot in Piedmont called Water's Edge that was right by the Terrapin creek. It was such a beautiful day and there were a good bit of people floating the creek so it was nice to see them!

We had a TON and I mean a TON of food!

We had a great time!

The space can be rented and it was so nice! There bedrooms were so spacious and the kitchen and livingroom area as big. The outside patio area was the best though!

Then down by the creek was so nice! Greysyn was SO proud of himself to hold on tight and swing out!

The little people! OH, Miles melted me!

I mean...the view was great!

Always has and always will be one of my most favorite people!...........and now she has a little caboose that is just precious! 

The Morgan three kids and their families! There were a TON more of us that were not able to come but this crew was the biggest from the others! Nannie's Mom (Estelle Morgan) had 9 other brothers and sisters. That was who was all there!

See...this was the kids and grandkids that came! The 'kids' are the four in front (minus Pam)

Pam is a grandchild..........along with alll the others in the back!

A Gamecock Homecoming!

 After Lily's meet, we booked it home, tried to get all the sweat off and then headed to the JSU game since it was homecoming!

We had a great time at the game and enjoyed the win!

We also enjoyed staying in the air conditioning!  :)

Family picture before Tyler had to make his rounds!

Then...he found me again and we ate and enjoyed chatting!

Alexis found Aaliyah since she was working the game! Lily took off from me with no picture as she hung out with Reese the whole time!

All the Fall!

 Loving all the FALL! 

I love Summer.........but I LOVE Fall!

Bring me alllll the pumpkins....and breeze and that 'Fall feeling' in the air!

These two...and my pumpkins!

Doesnt Aubie just fit right in with the decor! :)

Out in the cornfield!

 Lily loved this meet!

We trucked out to Munford and were thankful we could sleep a little later and didnt have to drive as far as we have been!

It was a HOT one though but despite that........Lily killed it!

Another PR!

She got some new spikes so she was nervous about wearing them but said it really helped and she loved how light the shoes felt so that was a bonus too!

The girls are still killing it and placed 2nd!

We are loving this new adventure!

Hanging out and waiting for the fun to begin!

Love this picture of them about to take OFF!

We spotted her!

And there she is again! The new shoes helps us track her! ha!

Coming around to the finish line! 26.3 time!

Proud of the team!

Way to go girls!

Our weekend with those Friday nights!

 We got stomped. I hate that the season isnt going so well but goodness, moving to a new stature and being 'young' isnt working in our favor. It was a beautiful night for some cheer and football, though, and we have been enjoying seeing all the new stadiums and schools!

We can spot our girl anywhere!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

High school picture day!

 Lily is excited that she gets to have her face in the HIGH school yearbook! 

Today marks the day!

THIS right here is going down in the yearbook! :)

Of course, Alexis was running by the skin of her teeth to no picture of her! She looked cute too, though! :)

Sunday, September 15, 2024

A birthday surprise, kind of for Lily!

 You cant keep anything from Lily.

She will bug the mess out of you asking questions and doing her theories until literally it isnt really 'fun' to keep anything from her!

So, all day, yesterday, she kept asking me if anyone else is coming...and why am I doing this or doing that. Why am I making this much food, and on..........................and on................and on.................

So once Reese's Mom pulled up, Lily was in FULL  mode! Why is Reese here, what is Reese doing here...her car is in the driveway, who else is coming...........MOMMA, I knew other people would be coming.............

but, she had her best of friends and family for her 'surprise' party and we had a great time! ha! :)

The birthday girl!

Family picture!

Then she did a fashion wardrobe change.........for her friends picture! OH gracious!

Enjoying allllll the football food you could think of!

HAPPY birthday!

May she have the best year yet!

Her wish...times three, everyone couldnt get a good picture of her because she hates taking pictures and would NOT cooperate! 

The grands

With Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi

They hung out in the basement, took a walk around the neighborhood (yeah, didnt understand that one especially with it very rainy/wet outside) and watched her open gifts before 'hanging' out more!

Lily said she had the best night! (My work here is done!) :)

13 whole years!

 Our girl is 13!

A teenager!

Always a must to hold up how old you are! :)

She looked so cute!

My favorite!
Happy birthday!

Friday night lights!

 Another Friday night lights..even though it was raining and we came away without a win.

Moving to 5A and competing against these bigger schools, has hit pretty hard and been a big adjustment this season so far. Makes me sad since it is Alexis' Junior year, but...that is the way the ball dropped.

It was jersey day so Lex wore a JHS jersey and Lily wore an Auburn one!

Spotted this 7th grader at the pep rally!

Go Eagles!

This one was 'Pie a Cheerleader' Yeah, pretty sure Alexis was one of the first ones to lose her necklace so Xaye pied her!

It was ALL over her!

Yeah, it took a minute to get it all off at the end!

And then, it was time to gear up for all the pre-game feeding the cheerleaders etc and celebrating the birthday girl's actual day!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Full celebration mode for the bday girl!

 Though her birthday is today (13, on Friday the 13th!) we have been celebrating for awhile!

Between the friend birthday party last weekend and dinner with LaLa, Mal, Reese and Maggie, yesterday I cooked her favorite meal to celebrate since today is all things school, work, and football!

This morning she woke up to the traditional balloons and streamers on her door. I love this and she loves it too!

Family birthday dinner for the win! Alexa played the 'Happy Birthday' song over and over...we had candles, streamers, her birthday gift and homemade cookies. Her favorite meal (that she could and wants to eat meatloaf meatballs, mac n cheese and mashed potatoes. 

I hope she felt the love!

She hadnt woke up yet when I got this picture!