Friday, September 13, 2024

Full celebration mode for the bday girl!

 Though her birthday is today (13, on Friday the 13th!) we have been celebrating for awhile!

Between the friend birthday party last weekend and dinner with LaLa, Mal, Reese and Maggie, yesterday I cooked her favorite meal to celebrate since today is all things school, work, and football!

This morning she woke up to the traditional balloons and streamers on her door. I love this and she loves it too!

Family birthday dinner for the win! Alexa played the 'Happy Birthday' song over and over...we had candles, streamers, her birthday gift and homemade cookies. Her favorite meal (that she could and wants to eat meatloaf meatballs, mac n cheese and mashed potatoes. 

I hope she felt the love!

She hadnt woke up yet when I got this picture!

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