Monday, September 23, 2024

Out in the cornfield!

 Lily loved this meet!

We trucked out to Munford and were thankful we could sleep a little later and didnt have to drive as far as we have been!

It was a HOT one though but despite that........Lily killed it!

Another PR!

She got some new spikes so she was nervous about wearing them but said it really helped and she loved how light the shoes felt so that was a bonus too!

The girls are still killing it and placed 2nd!

We are loving this new adventure!

Hanging out and waiting for the fun to begin!

Love this picture of them about to take OFF!

We spotted her!

And there she is again! The new shoes helps us track her! ha!

Coming around to the finish line! 26.3 time!

Proud of the team!

Way to go girls!

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