Sunday, September 15, 2024

A birthday surprise, kind of for Lily!

 You cant keep anything from Lily.

She will bug the mess out of you asking questions and doing her theories until literally it isnt really 'fun' to keep anything from her!

So, all day, yesterday, she kept asking me if anyone else is coming...and why am I doing this or doing that. Why am I making this much food, and on..........................and on................and on.................

So once Reese's Mom pulled up, Lily was in FULL  mode! Why is Reese here, what is Reese doing here...her car is in the driveway, who else is coming...........MOMMA, I knew other people would be coming.............

but, she had her best of friends and family for her 'surprise' party and we had a great time! ha! :)

The birthday girl!

Family picture!

Then she did a fashion wardrobe change.........for her friends picture! OH gracious!

Enjoying allllll the football food you could think of!

HAPPY birthday!

May she have the best year yet!

Her wish...times three, everyone couldnt get a good picture of her because she hates taking pictures and would NOT cooperate! 

The grands

With Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi

They hung out in the basement, took a walk around the neighborhood (yeah, didnt understand that one especially with it very rainy/wet outside) and watched her open gifts before 'hanging' out more!

Lily said she had the best night! (My work here is done!) :)

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