Tuesday, September 10, 2024

My girl's friends!

 Friends are rare.

Friends are something to treasure.

I am thankful both my girls have core friends that they love and love them back.

It made my heart smile to see both girls and their friends living their best life and celebrating to big birthdays of 16 and 13!

I hope that these friendships continue to grow and they both make all the best memories with them!

I have to say, Alexis' friends are a little more bougie than Lily's. They tend to be way more loud and goofy ....and they all know how to spend more money! :)

Lex, Aailyah, Sydney and Nyla

Lily's friends are more reserved and for sure not as bougie. They are still in the trying to act 'older' but are a little more awkward stage. :) ha! 

Lily, Lauren, Reese and Katelyn

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