Monday, January 12, 2015

A fresh new year!

Whew, we have been BUSY in this new year! I feel like I just have not sat down! I have enjoyed every minute of this fresh new year and look forward to what the rest of this year holds!

To start of the fresh new year.....well, with none other than a fresh new AMBEREVERYDAY2015!!

Day 1!!
Even though Lily looks silly in this picture! Super highlight was that she was saying 'ROAR!!' and wanted me to take a picture of her!! Lily ROARED in the first day of the new year! :)
Day 2
We had a fun day in Gadsden! The girls love jumping...and Tyler and I love them burning some energy!

Day 3!
Fun night with friends! Dinner and then playing fun! This girl cracks me up daily with her sass!!
Day 4!
Last day of Christmas break! SO SAD!!.........but highlight!!...SHERBERT!!

Day 5
Back in the groove again! On this day....SUPER highlight!! crockpot!! Nothing better than coming home to a house smelling delicious and having a super yummy dinner ready and waiting!
My little family has started loving my new Chicken and biscuits meal!!
Day 6
First day back to school for Alexis!! She loves school and actually told me that she was sooo ready and excited about going back to school! I just love her because she actually means it! when she is a teenager, lets see if she is still saying she loves school! :)
Day 7
SUPER SUPER cold outside! So cold that we had a delay! Lily was ready with her 'globes' that she put on all by herself!!

Day 8
After being back to work....and having a long week, and then a long day with work and dance class........there is nothing better than my nice, comfy, cozy, warm, soooo nice blanket!! Ahh....LOVE!
Day 9
It is FRIDAY!! Nothing better than getting morning hugs before heading off to school!!
Day 10
Saturday fun day!! Movies and Moe's with these girls and the rest of the gang!!
Walker and Lily....riding off into the sunset!! :) :) I can picture this picture being the same, yet they are just in bigger bodies at their wedding as they ride off as 'man and wife!' :) :)

Day 11
 OH YUM! Daddy and his famous pancakes! OH YUM!!
Day 12
Monday Monday, oh it is back! What makes a Monday good?? Well.. getting a new reindeer {that jingles, and sings and makes lots and lots and lots of noise} from Mr. Dennis! Yes, she loves it and I love seeing her face light up when it sings and she 'rides' it.................but Mr. Dennis is in BIG trouble! {Tammy texted me to see if I had thrown it out the window yet!} {I told her that Dennis could have just left it in the attic where it was, but he insisted on getting it down for Lily to have!} I know now why the Johnsons didnt want the reindeer anymore and were excited to give it to Lily!! :)

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