Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hello 2015!!!

Well, 2014 has flew by and is now gone. Looking back on 2014, it was a great year for my little family and I!
Alexis has been doing SO well in 1st grade! She has just bloomed completely with her reading. She is learning and becoming better with understanding math too! She completed her first season as a cheerleader! She loved every minute of being a cheerleader! She is well into her 4th year of dancing too! The girl is a natural!!

Lily is finally 'pooped' trained!! :) :) I was starting to think that this would never happen!........but just as 2014 was coming to an end, she has decided to go out with a bang!! {Thank the Lord!} :)  She is loving every second of her 1st year taking ballet!! She loves being a ballerina!!

I would have to say that the one big thing that I have learned in 2014 is to not waste my time on negative and bad energy. To focus on myself and my little family of four and lookout for what is best for us. Being caught up in things that are just unhealthy and not the best of choices, is just not something I want to be involved with. So, here is to 2015 and it being a fresh, clean and healthy and happy year!

I have really enjoyed doing Ambereveryday for 2014! It has been really great to look back and see what I have been up to each day and what highlights have highlighted my 365 days! Looking back at what I have documented, it goes to show that the little things in life can be the biggest highlight and blessing!! That no matter what, there is always, always, always something to be thankful for! So, for 2014 to 'go down in History' as being my 1st 'Ambereveryday' are the last three days of 2014!

Day 363!
To kick off the last week of 2014!...........we had 'girls day!!' We did some fun shopping and just HAD to eat at the new Moe's! Alexis was literally doing a 'happy dance' the entire time she was eating! She loves Moe's!!

Day 364
My little family of four headed to Birmingham for a fun filled day! The girls were SUPER thrilled that LaLa painted their finger nails for them! They hung out with her while Tyler and I had a lunch date together! :)

Day 365!!
New Year's Eve!! The last day of 2014!!! We kicked off the last day by enjoying breakfast at Cracker Barrel! YUM~O!!
 The girls always enjoys playing games and coloring while we wait!
And, movie date with this guy to round out the last night! Happy New Years!!

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