Sunday, January 18, 2015

These two!.....

These two!! Oh me, these two are the most beautiful, silly, sassy, hilarious, smart girls I have ever known and there is no one else on the planet like these two! :) :)

I havent done an update lately on them so I thought I would take some time to put down some notes about them!

This picture of them pretty much sums them up to a ~T~!! Little Miss sassy thing {Alexis} and Little Miss silly thing! {Lily}

Alexis: Alexis is for the 'Im cool, and sassy age!' She has to make sure that her hair is in place and that her clothes match and are perfect to wear! She constantly has her fingers in her mouth trying to wiggle her teeth out. I have never known a child that wants her teeth out more than her! She just doesnt understand why 'all her other friends have lost their teeth and had the tooth fairy come' but her. Despite me telling her that her not loosing them yet is a good thing, sweet thing is just still SO ready!! She is into all things Taylor Swift and Katy Perry right now! She can sing every word to their songs and is constantly singing on her Karaoke machine. She still LOVES to color, draw and write! She is constantly drawing pictures and makes sweet little notes to give us. She reads all the time and it is SO sweet to hear her reading to Lily! She loves to play school, and just loves to 'cook' in her kitchen. She is still in the all 'A' club at school and is just doing SO well!

She is my sweet and 'give in' child. Let me explain. She has a stubborn streak! {for sure} but I can get her to 'cave in' easily when she is trying to 'hold her ground!' She can easily be persuaded! She will be the first one to say she loves you and when her and Lily are in an argument, she is the first one to give in and say sorry. She is not shy AT ALL in front of a crowd. She likes...I mean LOVES... to be in the spotlight! She is constantly dancing and singing. She is my child that still to this day sings herself to sleep every night.
She is such a little helper too. She is always asking me to help cook. She will come and actually ask me to help do things like fold clothes! She is such a nurturer and so thoughtful! She talks about how she loves the Rockettes Dancers! I can totally see her being one and us visiting her and seeing her on TV when she is older! :)

Lily: Where do I begin with this one?!?! This child! OH ME! I never know what she is going to ANY situation...or what she is going to do! She is constantly up to something...or in to something! :)
She will put on a SHOW for us....but once she is out in a crowd, she tends to shy up! It is funny to me how she is because to anyone and everyone that truly knows her, knows that she is NOT shy!
She will crack you up with what she says! I am amazed daily that she is just three with the things she says!
She is for sure my most stubborn one!! She will hold her ground like there is no tomorrow! She will NOT give in! And oohhh...stay away from her when she is grumpy! :) Oh boy! She is hard to convince...even at THREE! Yes, you can not pull the 'wool over her eyes!' She knows what we are up to!! Alexis, she is gullible and will fall for it...but not Lily! :) Lily is for sure in the 'clumsy department!'...that girl is constantly falling..or bumping her head or something all the time! She cracks me up because her famous last words are 'Im okay!'...something will happen and she will pop up as she is saying 'Im okay!' :)

When anyone is sad, Lily is right there to make you smile! :) She will cock her sweet little head with the most funny facial expressions...and there is just absolutely NO way to be mad or sad anymore! :)
She thinks she is as big as her big sister and she thinks she can do every.single.thing. that Alexis can do. {And she will try!} She is very independent and works very hard to conquer whatever is in front of her to do.She loves to play dress up and is constantly coming to me with who knows what on that she decided she thought she could put on! She loves to write and loves all things Disney! I can totally see her being a doctor or nurse because she loves to play doctor!....or because of her stubbornness and determination, I can totally see her as a lawyer too! :)

 Lily is alot more 'daredevil' than Alexis. {though Alexis is  a daredevil too, Lily is just a little more} For example, the other day the girls were riding their scooters. Our driveway slopes down and so if you go down end  up going faster. Well, Lily was having the time of her life going down it! Alexis was more on the 'safe side' she said! :) Though I for see Alexis being my 'free bird' and off exploring the world. She will come home for Christmas...and maybe my birthday! :) Lily on the other hand, is the one who likes to be with Daddy and I. {at least right now she does} She is always attached to me! She will be my one that likes to hang around us 'cool parents' when she is older ;)

The other day we were sitting in the waiting area before ballet class and Lily was sitting in my lap. Out of nowhere she just starts busting out laughing! Laughing loud and hard! I look down at her with the strangest face because she was not doing anything but sitting in my lap. I ask her 'Lily, what is so funny?' She goes: 'Me, Mommy! I'm funny!' Everyone waiting around us just started busting out laughing! :)

These two are just so different in all areas.....but that is what makes them most unique and beautiful! They both are just such a blessing and special in each their own way and I just love seeing them grow! I am so thankful to be their Mommy!!!

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