Saturday, January 31, 2015


 The month of January is just flying by! We have been super busy this month too! Lily is loving her new class! She seems to have just blossomed more to us since she has moved! She is officially a 'big girl' in her book! We have fought sickness a good bit this month! Alexis never gets sick and she has battled the flu and a small case of pneumonia! When she gets sick, she goes big!
Alexis and Lily are both still loving ballet class on Thursdays! Lily is really coming along in her class...even though she has a long ways to go! :)
She has started piano lessons this month and LOVES it! Ms. Bekha is her teacher and she told me that Alexis has true talent! That she has an ear for it and just can not get over how well she did only after one practice! Alexis literally has come home everyday and has practiced! She is going to be an amazing piano player/singer when she grows up! {She just needs to remember that and not be so hard on herself if she messes up!} She is at the age where she thinks everything should just happen and has to learn that after time and practice, that you get better and better! :)

Day 21
I love going on Wednesdays to help at Alexis' school! I love when I get a sneak peek of Alexis in her element in her class! On this day Ms. Harper had the door open and I just stood there with tears in my eyes watching her! She had no idea I was watching her and it was so sweet to just watch her be Alexis! :)

Day 22
She pulled out this white eagle and said that she was super excited that she is now in the 'white eagle' club! I asked her what that is and she told me it is a club that she is now in because she reads so many books because she is such a good reader! {This made my heart almost explode!} :)
Day 23
Yum yum YUM!! It is Friday and we had YUM YUM sauce! This sauce is to die over! My family eats this sauce like there is no tomorrow! All I can say is YUM! :)
Day 24
So proud to see Alexis up in the air! My brave little cookie! :) :)
Day 25
Had fun hanging out with the family and celebrating LaLa turning the BIG 5-0! 
Day 26
The 100th day of school!! Alexis had to dress like an 'old lady!' This was her impression of how an old lady looks! :) OH it cracked me up! I told her that she was going to have to walk around all day with that face and hunched over!

Day 27
First piano lesson with Ms. Bekah! Ms. Bekah is so sweet and helped Alexis SO much! Alexis had a smile from ear to ear the entire time! She came home and was already a PRO at 'Mary had a little Lamb!' Tyler and I are just blown away by her! Tyler and I both have been trying to master 'Mary had a little Lamb' like her and we cant even do it! SO proud of her!!
Day 28
Once again SO proud! Look at these scores! Not only is she beautiful, funny, sassy, stubborn, talented, sweet, and loving......................  she is SUPER smart too! :)
Day 29
This little chick-a-dee made me laugh! I look over from the kitchen and she is flat ironing Aubie! She said that he needed a new hairstyle!! OH ME! This cat lets them do anything and everything to him!!!
Day 30
It is Friday again!! Whoo hoo! And, I look over during breakfast and this is usually the view I have! :) The girls are eating and Aubie is right under them to try and catch whatever might happen to fall! :) {Notice he is under Lily because he knows that she is the one that usually does the dropping of things!!}
Day 31
It is a relaxing Saturday today! Today we have no plans!! {which is very very rare!} Right now both girls are playing on their keyboards as I type! {Alexis is singing too!} We are still in our pjs and I am sitting curled up with my nice and comfy blanket as I do this blog! Tyler {the boy that doesnt sit much} is mopping! I have a load of clothes in the wash and drying so laundry is coming up! Though our day hasnt ended, {but hasnt even fully started yet because it is still early} I already have a huge highlight! I love that the girls love to help cook! They helped Daddy this morning cook his famous pancakes! Happy Saturday to us! :)

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