Wednesday, January 21, 2015


 Whew, this new year is flying by! I feel like I havent been able to slow down as much lately to post alot! I guess that is a good thing...but I also need to slow down some! :)

Day 13
Super highlight!!...Daddy finished Lily's piece for her room! It looks amazing and it fits perfect in her room!!!

Day 14
Back in the groove again! Wednesday folders at Alexis' school! I really enjoy going and helping out.....and getting to see a little cutie too! :)

Day 15
Lily's new scooter came in! She LOVED riding around in the garage before dinner!!

Day 16
Ahh...Friday!! After a long week...nothing nicer than curling up and watching a movie! Alexis and Lily both love to switch up watching movies in their rooms! :)

Day 17
Saturday fun day!! Alexis was super super SUPER excited to spend the day with Sara Kate and Carli! Chuck~e~cheese was a hit!
Lily super super SUPER enjoyed jumping on the trampoline while 'sissy' was gone since it was such a beautiful day!!

Day 18
Yum!! Perfection!!!! Crockpot is a super BIG highlight for me! :)

Day 19
Out for MLK day! Whoo hooo!! So, family bike ride time!! Poor Lily...we {we meaning Lily and I} only made it a little ways down the street because her little legs couldnt keep pedaling up the small hills we have. Daddy and Alexis had a longer ride!

Day 20
I LOVE getting sweet little notes from Alexis! I just love them!!

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