Sunday, January 4, 2015

Last days of Christmas break!

We have had a great Christmas break! Being out essentially two weeks have been wonderful!

We have gotten alot of housework done {you know the kind that you just dont want to ever really do so you just put it off and put it off!} Thanks to Tyler for heading it up. I have to say, he is one organized guy! {You dont hear that alot!} :)

We have played with friends and had dinner, we have watched movies, we have gone to The Factory, we have shopped till we have dropped, we have played games, colored, and more over the break!

Whew!....................and the grind starts back tomorrow.......

Though Auburn lost to Wisconsin by a field goal in the Outback Bowl................Lily still says ROAR!! :)
The girls LOVE The Factory!!! They jumped and jumped....and OH YEAH, let off some energy! Daddy and Mommy LOVE that! :) :) :)
Nan and Brandi and the girls had a movie day! They loved seeing Annie....and riding on the fun games after the movie!
Playing and dancing on the fun their matching hot pink cowgirl boots!
Water baby! She HAD to carry this umbrella around.....and open hit...and hold it...and walk under it to the car from the restaurant.............................AND it wasnt even raining then! :)
To end the last weekend of Christmas break........why not celebrate with.......... Sherbert!! YUM! :) :)

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