Saturday, January 24, 2015

A 'rah rah ree' kind of day!

Rah rah ree.....kick em' in the knee!

Alexis had her very first cheer camp with the JSU cheerleaders today!

And...she loved it!

I loved sitting there during the camp and watching Alexis get so excited talking to the 'big cheerleaders!'

She did such a great job today!

She worked hard learning the 2 chants and a dance!

Not to MADE her day that the dance was to Taylor Swift!! {Her MOST favorite singer!!} :)

Dancing to 'Shake it off' made her day! well as getting to go up in the pyramid she said!

She said she was a little nervous and scared about being so high up in the pyramid!...but she said she loved it though! :)

My little missy cheerleader! She had to make sure I put her hair up as 'high as you can Mommy!'.....AND.....she raided my lipstick drawer without me knowing and came in to me before we left with bright red lipstick on! She said she had to look like the 'big cheerleaders!'
Carli and Sara Kate came for the camp! Despite them all being together during this....they all listened and learned very well! I was proud of them! :)
There were alot of girls there today! It was a great turn out!
Alexis worked SO hard to learn it all!
AND!!...she was chosen to go up in the pyramid during one of their chants that they did! She did soooo good as she went up!
She couldnt wipe the smile off if she tried! And, Im soooo sad!!...I took a really really REALLY cute picture of Alexis and Miss Leslie and somehow my computer just made the picture disappear when I was trying to crop it! Tyler couldnt find it! I am so sad because Alexis loves Miss Leslie! {she is the cheerleader that is holding her in the pyramid with blonde hair!} She is one of my students and a JSU cheerleader! She is just a beautiful and well rounded girl who is such a great role model and Alexis and her just hit it off! :) :)
I was the brave one who took these three to lunch after the camp! They LOVED spending more time together and coming over to our house for a little while before we had to leave to get ready for the game!
Alexis did SO well during the half-time performance! All the little cheer campers got to sit behind the JSU cheerleaders during the game and then at half-time they did their chants and dance! I have the cutest video ever of Alexis during the chant that she did the pyramid! In the video it shows her looking over at us with the biggest grin on her face to make sure we were watching her up in the air!! :) :)
Lily just HAD to dress like a cheerleader for the game! She talked non-stop about wearing her red and white stripped dress...and carrying her pom-poms! {They are Alexis' old cheer poms, but Lily claimed them for the day!} :) My heart melted when I looked up from my seat at the game to see Lily just a 'beebopping' behind Tyler with her little dress on and carrying 'her' pom-poms! It was the cutest thing ever!!

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