Thursday, February 26, 2015

Do you want to enter the danger zone?!...

Day 2 of our SNOW days!

Yep, woke up this morning and the snow was still around!

The girls were not so interested in going out in the snow today so we stayed inside and warm!! {which is fine with me because Im not a huge fan of freezing!} :)

We all enjoyed looking at the snow though through the windows! :) :) :)

Alexis told me today that she would rather play in the sand at the beach than play in the snow in the cold! {Yes, my darling, you are my daughter for sure!} :) :)

The snow began melting away so we are back in to full force tomorrow! But HEY, tomorrow is Friday! :)

Daddy actually made it home last night!! We thought he was going to have to spend the night at work but he made it home JUST in the nick of time for bedtime! The girls were thrilled he was home and that he got to carry on the nightly routines!!... :)

I have to admit, even though I dont like to be out in the is sooo beautiful to look at!

The girls did a bunch of this.....
cuddling and watching movies and cartoons....
And this is actually a good picture of the 'danger zone'....
they did a bunch of this today...
{but hey, at least they were having fun and whew, it is all cleaned up right now!} :)
And...they did a bunch of this today too.....

And...even Aubie joined in on it too!....
{Aubie has laid full claim to Tyler's blanket!! is no longer Tyler's for sure!!}
And....a bunch of this too!
The girls LOVE getting their fingers and toes painted! :)
Lily showing off her cute painted fingers! the afternoon, the snow was pretty much gone!.......
It was fun while it lasted...but Im ready for the snow to be gone and Spring to be here! Bring on Spring! :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Do you want to build a snowman?!?

It SNOWED today!!

We never officially know what the weather is going to actually do around here soo....I was actually surprised when I started seeing the HUGE snowflakes that began falling!!

We started off the morning with nothing...

the girls kept looking outside and kept asking when the snow was coming....

I told Alexis that by 11 {per the weather man} that it would be snowing...

At that time, it was 6 in the morning....

sooo......she figured it up her in head that she had 5 hours and then there would be snow!....

Well, it didnt seem like anything was going to really happen so we loaded up and went and had lunch with the Johnsons and the Grogans at Baja Grill!

By the time we were done eating was raining...

by the time we got was already hailing...

about 20 minutes after that, there was SNOW!

Alexis looked at the clock and it was past 11!! She was not too happy that it was past the 11 oclock mark that I told her but she was happy that it was snowing!! :)

Laynee came over to play with the girls for a little while and the fun was cut short because of how hard and quick the snow was coming down and sticking!!....

The girls LOVED playing in the snow....and I loved having a SNOW day even though we all missed Daddy because he had to work and spend the night tonight at work because of the snow! :(

School is out tomorrow too so we shall see if there is any snow left tomorrow!!

Laynee and Alexis had fun watching movies and coloring while she was with us! {Lily was passed out taking a nap missing all the fun} :(
 Before I knew it, I looked out the window and there were huge snowflakes coming down fast!
 I yelled for Laynee and Alexis to come look outside and they were amazed and soooo excited!! And then it started coming down really really hard! {Lily was still passed out taking a nap during this too}
 When Lily finally woke up from her nap....Laynee was gone, but there was still snow!! She walked out and looked outside and came running to me saying WOW!!! :) :)
Alexis said she looked like the little boy from that Christmas movie! {A Christmas Story!} haha!
And...yes, Alexis is wearing cowgirl boots in the snow because that is all the boots that she has! :) :) She didnt care at all!!!
 I got them ALL bundled up and they were ready to play!
 Alexis made big snowballs.....and Lily just ran around and ran around in it!!
 Lily had fun throwing snowballs on Alexis while she made a snowman!!
 And then they made snow angels!!!
 My cute little snow bunny!! :) :)
 Alexis ate the snow!....then Lily decided she wanted to try it! :) Alexis said it tasted like 'nothing!' {not sure how she knows what 'nothing' tastes like!!}

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

It takes a village!

What am I going to do with this child of mine?!?!?


'Here's the story'{as Alexis said to Pawpaw this morning} tooo funny!

So, here's the story from this morning....

I was getting ready this morning and waiting on Pawpaw to come over because he kept the girls and took them to school since there was a weather delay....

Alexis comes in my bedroom and informs me that she has already brushed her teeth 'all by herself'

Well, she can brush her teeth all by herself...she has been doing that for awhile now, but Tyler and I still have to get the towel for her because it is out of her reach from where it is hung and she always makes a huge mess with water every where...

So, I ask her....'Well, Alexis, how did you dry your face?' {knowing that she cant reach the towel and knowing that I have to 'force' her half the time to brush her teeth so it is amazing to me that she took it upon herself to do it without me telling her to go and do it}

She says 'Mommy, I used my shirt' she is demonstrating wiping her face with her sleeve!!
{She almost had me there....almost convinced} until....................

I ask her the next question.....

'Alexis, how did you dry off the counter top and your toothbrush???'......

And.............this is when I get the guilty face because she didnt think about that part in her master plan to make me think she brushed her teeth!!

So, I ask her one last question....

'Alexis, did you actually brush your teeth????'.........

She looked at me and said 'No.'....'I just dont want to brush them'

You talk about BIG time trouble!!.....dont ever...ever lie to me! The truth will always be easier on you with me than lying!! {Alexis and Lily, when you read this years down the road, you better always remember what I just typed!}


Needless to say, she was punished and also has her IPAD taken away for the rest of the week too!

After that, we had a talk...

I explained to her how I do not like how she lied to me about brushing her teeth and then I explained to her that if she doesnt want to brush her teeth, then fine.................dont.

She looked at me with this surprised face that I actually told her that she didnt have to brush her teeth if she didnt want to.

I continued to explain to her that it is her mouth...and if she wants to have a yucky mouth, then that is what she will have if she doesnt brush. Also, explaining the fact that my teeth are nice and pretty white because I brush mine and not to come home crying when someone tells her that she has stinky breath and yucky teeth because of her choosing not to brush them.

Even after all of that, she still said that she didnt want to brush them.....................and 'Mommy, no one is going to tell me that I have yucky teeth and stinky breath because I dont have yucky teeth'.....

So, little does she know, I am friends {close friends} with her teacher Ms. Harper....

And the game plan was set!!........

I texted Jill {Ms. Harper} and told her what all went on that morning with Alexis and that I needed her to help me out with saying something to Alexis about it!.............

And Jill said:
{Jill wrote in the grey and my words are in green} :)

This {above} was the texting conversation between Alexis' teacher and I! PRICELESS! :) :)
When Jill sent me the picture below of Alexis brushing her teeth followed by 'Done!'....I laughed SO hard! :) :)
Little does Alexis know that I have ALL kinds of tricks up my sleeve that she has NO clue about!! {She had NO idea that I texted her teacher and put her teacher of all people up to getting her to brush her teeth} :)
When Alexis got home this afternoon, I asked her if anyone said anything to her about her teeth or her breath since she didnt brush her teeth this morning...
She said 'Yes, Ms. Harper said that my teeth were looking a little yellow in the back when she walked past me in my chair and asked me if I brushed my teeth today.' 'I told her no and she said that was yuck and gave me a toothbrush and toothpaste to go use at the sink to brush them!' hahahahaha!!! :) :)
She then told me that she was embarrassed that Ms. Harper thought she had yellow teeth and that she told her that she didnt brush her teeth..... {BINGO!!} :)
Maybe all of this will 'stick' with her and there will not be anymore problems of her not wanting to brush her teeth!! OH ME!! :)
It takes a village to raise a child! :)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Pretty in pink!....

I am doing this because I could have sworn that I have already done a post on Alexis being in her first beauty pageant but I just can not find the post!

It was a great day for her and I was beyond SUPER proud of her!

It was April of 2012. She was 3, about to be 4 in July!

She was in the Cinderella Pageant Circuit! This circuit is the prelim to the Miss Alabama pageant!

She had to do a casual dress, formal dress and an interview! {Talk about a lot for a 3 year old!!}

A 3 year old doing an interview! She AMAZED me! :) :) Really!!

I fought back tears as I stood in the back and watched her walk! She did SO well and I cant wait to see her in her next pageant April 11th of 2015!! :)

Cousin Jan did Alexis' hair and it was such an honor for Jan to do it because Jan is fabulous and we love her!!
My beautiful Alexis!
Casual walk! :) :)

Formal walk! :) :) I could not have been more proud of how she went to every mark, she smiled when she was suppose to, she turned when she was suppose to! Awesome!!
And...the interview!!! This chick nailed it! She answered all the questions! On one of the questions, she was asked 'What is your favorite food?' Alexis thought for a minute and then said 'Aunt Pam's pizza!!' {What is soooo funny is that we have never been over to eat any pizza from Aunt Pam!} :) Pam was in the audience and just was soooo excited that Alexis said that about her! {Even though it wasnt true!} {But she did an awesome job of coming up with an answer instead of just saying something like 'I dont know!} :) :)
She just LOVED her crown!! She couldnt keep her eyes off of it!
Little Miss Cinderella! She won best overall, but there was an older girl that ended up winning the 'big' one. She also won Miss photogenic!!
 Sweet little thing worked herself sooo much that she wore herself out as soon as she hit the seat! :)
And....drum roll!!.................... here is a sneak preview of her dress for her next pageant! I cant wait to see her all dolled up in it come April!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Its not everyday...

It is not everyday that you and your family are headlined in the newspaper!! :) :) :)

Talk about feeling like a celebrity! :)

Several of my co~workers actually saw the articles before I did and have not stopped texting me about how they need my autograph the next time they see me!

When Alexis saw her picture, she said 'Mommy, Im famous!' haha!!

 LOOK! :) :) Tyler hit the front page! And...notice at the top! Im up there! :) Page 4! :)
See! :) Me! :)
Such a great article on Tyler!
SUCH SUCH SUCH a great picture of my little family!
And, full page article!  The Jacksonville News did such a great job on it! So thankful and blessed that we were chosen to be highlighted.
So honored and proud! :)  {The only part wrong was they put our 10 year wedding anniversary will be in May. It is actually July!} :)

Sunday, February 15, 2015


 The week of love!! The girls wore something 'love/pink' related the whole week leading up to Valentine's Day! I think I had more fun picking out what they were going to wear and seeing them so cute than them, but they love wearing pink, red and hearts so it was win win for us all! :)
We have had a great week and weekend. We havent seen the Grogans in several weeks so we had a long overdue dinner date with them followed by bowling!! I have not bowled in FOREVER and I have to say, I was pretty good! I did my 'victory' dance several times as I got a strike or spare! :) Alexis actually beat us all! She was awesome! :) :) Lily....could care less about it!....
We kicked off Valentine's Day with a beautiful day! It was a beautiful sunny day and we did our usual...Saturday fun of JACK's and then grocery shopping! :) Dont judge...I actually love our Saturday morning routine! :)
The girls enjoyed their Valentines with Nan and Pawpaw while Tyler and I had a date night of delicious Effinas followed by a movie! It was a great night spending it with my one and only Valentine! What can I say........ he has my heart!

Day 40
Monday Monday! these two are the biggest highlights and makes everyday so bright to me! I love these two more than they will ever know!
1st day of the week wearing LoVe! :) :) My sweethearts! {Alexis' green puff jacket has little hearts all over it!} :)

Day 41
Be my Valentine! :)
Day 42
Today was the only day that I didnt get to snap a picture of the girls in their cute 'Valentines' outfits! :(  They sure did still look cute even though I didnt get a picture!!
Sooo sweet though, Facetiming with another little cutie on the other end is just precious! Lily and Eva loved making funny faces each other! They took over after Alexis told Payton happy birthday!! :)
Day 43
My little cuties! They are my heart! {Alexis' leggings had lips all over them!} :)
Day 44
Friday night fun night with the Grogans! But nothing sweeter than Alexis seeing her really good friend Sara Kate bowling too! Sara Kate's parents are sooo sweet so it was double the fun being with them too!

Day 45
Valentines dinner with my Valentine! The meal was absolutely delicious!!!
Day 46
Ahh....lazy Sunday! Gearing up for a long week of nothing but winter weather warnings so we are staying warm at home watching Alexis' favorite movie Ratatouille !