Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Do you want to build a snowman?!?

It SNOWED today!!

We never officially know what the weather is going to actually do around here soo....I was actually surprised when I started seeing the HUGE snowflakes that began falling!!

We started off the morning with nothing...

the girls kept looking outside and kept asking when the snow was coming....

I told Alexis that by 11 {per the weather man} that it would be snowing...

At that time, it was 6 in the morning....

sooo......she figured it up her in head that she had 5 hours and then there would be snow!....

Well, it didnt seem like anything was going to really happen so we loaded up and went and had lunch with the Johnsons and the Grogans at Baja Grill!

By the time we were done eating was raining...

by the time we got was already hailing...

about 20 minutes after that, there was SNOW!

Alexis looked at the clock and it was past 11!! She was not too happy that it was past the 11 oclock mark that I told her but she was happy that it was snowing!! :)

Laynee came over to play with the girls for a little while and the fun was cut short because of how hard and quick the snow was coming down and sticking!!....

The girls LOVED playing in the snow....and I loved having a SNOW day even though we all missed Daddy because he had to work and spend the night tonight at work because of the snow! :(

School is out tomorrow too so we shall see if there is any snow left tomorrow!!

Laynee and Alexis had fun watching movies and coloring while she was with us! {Lily was passed out taking a nap missing all the fun} :(
 Before I knew it, I looked out the window and there were huge snowflakes coming down fast!
 I yelled for Laynee and Alexis to come look outside and they were amazed and soooo excited!! And then it started coming down really really hard! {Lily was still passed out taking a nap during this too}
 When Lily finally woke up from her nap....Laynee was gone, but there was still snow!! She walked out and looked outside and came running to me saying WOW!!! :) :)
Alexis said she looked like the little boy from that Christmas movie! {A Christmas Story!} haha!
And...yes, Alexis is wearing cowgirl boots in the snow because that is all the boots that she has! :) :) She didnt care at all!!!
 I got them ALL bundled up and they were ready to play!
 Alexis made big snowballs.....and Lily just ran around and ran around in it!!
 Lily had fun throwing snowballs on Alexis while she made a snowman!!
 And then they made snow angels!!!
 My cute little snow bunny!! :) :)
 Alexis ate the snow!....then Lily decided she wanted to try it! :) Alexis said it tasted like 'nothing!' {not sure how she knows what 'nothing' tastes like!!}

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