Sunday, February 8, 2015


The weekend has been great! We have had just absolutely beautiful weather especially today! It is for sure giving me Spring fever and I am loving it! The days are already getting longer and it makes me sooo excited! We have had a low key weekend. Alexis had a spend the night birthday party at Carli's house Friday night to celebrate her turning 7! I cant believe Alexis and all of her little friends are turning 7! It just seems like such an 'old' age and I just cant wrap my head around the fact that she is getting older despite me wanting her to! :) Alexis said she had a SUPER great time at Carli's! She said they ate pizza and cupcakes, made jewelry, watched movies and played! She said that she didnt go to sleep the WHOLE night! needless to say, she crashed when she got home yesterday and slept for 4 hours! Once she finally decided to get up, we all headed to the track and the girls rode their bikes and we just enjoyed the beautiful day! We came home and Daddy cooked out for us! This morning we got 'all cleaned up' and went to Nan and Pawpaw's Church because their youth were having a big fund raiser so we went to be apart of that! Right now the girls are enjoying nice Sunday afternoon naps while I am cozy working on this blog and Tyler is at the hunting land gearing up for turkey season that he just can NOT wait to start! :) has been nice! Thank you Lord for blessing us with this beautiful weekend!
Day 32
My sassy Church girl! She obsessed with carrying her purse She is a little hoarder!!....she can cram any and everything under the sun into her purses!! 
My other sassy Church girl!

Day 33
Homework Mondays is what I call them! Mondays are the days where I get her weekly homework assignments and we work on it pretty much all afternoon once we are done with dinner. This way we can pretty much be finished with it the rest of the week since we have so much other going on. We work on it the rest of the week in between piano, ballet, etc but after Monday it is more just a review and practice. {like with her spelling words!} :) On this night, we worked on Valentine cards and her Valentine box for school because both girls have been begging to work on them!
She worked so hard on decorating her box to put her Valentine cards in that she will be receiving from all of her friends! :)
She did SUCH a GREAT job on it! Super cute!! :)
And...Lily worked on her cards to her friends too!!
Day 34
Piano day! This girl gets super excited when it is time to go to practice! She absolutely loves it! On this day she learned TWO new songs!!! :)
Day 35
Love getting her Wednesday folder! They are working/learning their family tree! So, we had to make her family tree....and then she drew her 'stick figure' family of us too!
Dont the pictures look exactly like us!?!?
Day 36
Whew, by the end of the week and after long Thursdays with ballet, I love my comfy pjs! nice to finally get them on....especially on a Thursday! :) :)
Day 37
Friday fun night for Alexis! That girl had a great time hanging out with her friends and celebrating Carli!!
They all got nice and comfy to watch a movie {insert here where I believe Carrie {Carli's mom} was trying to get them to calm down and possibly even fall asleep, BUT no such luck for her because Alexis said they ended up not watching it all and got up to play more!} :) Nice try on Carrie's part though! :)
Day 38
I love getting freshly cooked meals from none other than chef Alexis and Lily! SOOOO yummy!! :) So fancy too! I love how even the broccoli came in a fancy pretty bowl all by itself!!
Day 39
The Sunday before Valentine's day so we have to wear something with LOVE on it!...and red of course!! :) LOVE this cutie!!

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