Sunday, February 15, 2015


 The week of love!! The girls wore something 'love/pink' related the whole week leading up to Valentine's Day! I think I had more fun picking out what they were going to wear and seeing them so cute than them, but they love wearing pink, red and hearts so it was win win for us all! :)
We have had a great week and weekend. We havent seen the Grogans in several weeks so we had a long overdue dinner date with them followed by bowling!! I have not bowled in FOREVER and I have to say, I was pretty good! I did my 'victory' dance several times as I got a strike or spare! :) Alexis actually beat us all! She was awesome! :) :) Lily....could care less about it!....
We kicked off Valentine's Day with a beautiful day! It was a beautiful sunny day and we did our usual...Saturday fun of JACK's and then grocery shopping! :) Dont judge...I actually love our Saturday morning routine! :)
The girls enjoyed their Valentines with Nan and Pawpaw while Tyler and I had a date night of delicious Effinas followed by a movie! It was a great night spending it with my one and only Valentine! What can I say........ he has my heart!

Day 40
Monday Monday! these two are the biggest highlights and makes everyday so bright to me! I love these two more than they will ever know!
1st day of the week wearing LoVe! :) :) My sweethearts! {Alexis' green puff jacket has little hearts all over it!} :)

Day 41
Be my Valentine! :)
Day 42
Today was the only day that I didnt get to snap a picture of the girls in their cute 'Valentines' outfits! :(  They sure did still look cute even though I didnt get a picture!!
Sooo sweet though, Facetiming with another little cutie on the other end is just precious! Lily and Eva loved making funny faces each other! They took over after Alexis told Payton happy birthday!! :)
Day 43
My little cuties! They are my heart! {Alexis' leggings had lips all over them!} :)
Day 44
Friday night fun night with the Grogans! But nothing sweeter than Alexis seeing her really good friend Sara Kate bowling too! Sara Kate's parents are sooo sweet so it was double the fun being with them too!

Day 45
Valentines dinner with my Valentine! The meal was absolutely delicious!!!
Day 46
Ahh....lazy Sunday! Gearing up for a long week of nothing but winter weather warnings so we are staying warm at home watching Alexis' favorite movie Ratatouille !

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