Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Its not everyday...

It is not everyday that you and your family are headlined in the newspaper!! :) :) :)

Talk about feeling like a celebrity! :)

Several of my co~workers actually saw the articles before I did and have not stopped texting me about how they need my autograph the next time they see me!

When Alexis saw her picture, she said 'Mommy, Im famous!' haha!!

 LOOK! :) :) Tyler hit the front page! And...notice at the top! Im up there! :) Page 4! :)
See! :) Me! :)
Such a great article on Tyler!
SUCH SUCH SUCH a great picture of my little family!
And, full page article!  The Jacksonville News did such a great job on it! So thankful and blessed that we were chosen to be highlighted.
So honored and proud! :)  {The only part wrong was they put our 10 year wedding anniversary will be in May. It is actually July!} :)

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