Friday, February 13, 2015

Nothin but love!...

Today the girls had their Valentine's parties at their schools! They have been waiting for this day all week especially since they worked on their cards to their friends Monday night.

I went and helped at Alexis' school today during her party and I really enjoyed going! The kids in her class have gotten to know me since I help on Wednesdays so it is sweet to see all of them too!

Alexis' Valentine's party was a banana split party! She had alot of fun and enjoyed eating all the fun snacks and opening up her Valentine cards from her friends in her class!

My little Valentine's before school started this morning! :) :) :)
 Love them!!
Love seeing Alexis in her classroom! She had so much fun today at her party!
And...she loved looking at all the cards she received!
Alexis and her 'bestest' friend in her class...Chloe! :)

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