Monday, February 23, 2015

Pretty in pink!....

I am doing this because I could have sworn that I have already done a post on Alexis being in her first beauty pageant but I just can not find the post!

It was a great day for her and I was beyond SUPER proud of her!

It was April of 2012. She was 3, about to be 4 in July!

She was in the Cinderella Pageant Circuit! This circuit is the prelim to the Miss Alabama pageant!

She had to do a casual dress, formal dress and an interview! {Talk about a lot for a 3 year old!!}

A 3 year old doing an interview! She AMAZED me! :) :) Really!!

I fought back tears as I stood in the back and watched her walk! She did SO well and I cant wait to see her in her next pageant April 11th of 2015!! :)

Cousin Jan did Alexis' hair and it was such an honor for Jan to do it because Jan is fabulous and we love her!!
My beautiful Alexis!
Casual walk! :) :)

Formal walk! :) :) I could not have been more proud of how she went to every mark, she smiled when she was suppose to, she turned when she was suppose to! Awesome!!
And...the interview!!! This chick nailed it! She answered all the questions! On one of the questions, she was asked 'What is your favorite food?' Alexis thought for a minute and then said 'Aunt Pam's pizza!!' {What is soooo funny is that we have never been over to eat any pizza from Aunt Pam!} :) Pam was in the audience and just was soooo excited that Alexis said that about her! {Even though it wasnt true!} {But she did an awesome job of coming up with an answer instead of just saying something like 'I dont know!} :) :)
She just LOVED her crown!! She couldnt keep her eyes off of it!
Little Miss Cinderella! She won best overall, but there was an older girl that ended up winning the 'big' one. She also won Miss photogenic!!
 Sweet little thing worked herself sooo much that she wore herself out as soon as she hit the seat! :)
And....drum roll!!.................... here is a sneak preview of her dress for her next pageant! I cant wait to see her all dolled up in it come April!!!!

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