Thursday, July 13, 2017

A little of this...a little of that!

We have been up to a little of this and a little of that lately!

Ready for Church on Sunday! She is growing up soooo fast!!
Do you see the sandals that she is wearing? That morning, before we left, she came in while I was getting ready and while she was putting those shoes on she looks at me and says 'Mommy, I am wearing these to Church today because they look like shoes the Jesus wore!' Then she goes, 'Jesus' sandals were ropes.....and mine aren't, but they still almost look the same so I want to match him!' 
Sweet girl! :)
To cool chicks!
She is 9! I just cant get over it!
The picture says it all!
CHEER! Yep, cheer has started back and we are in FULL action! I already can see a huge difference from last year.............and you have no idea how relieved I am to say that! I am looking forward to coaching this group and getting the 'love' I had for it back with them because last year.........about killed me!
Beginning formation!
Some of the 'oldies' on the team! Their last year on B-Team!
This picture deserves to be posted again by me because my girl is awesome! Look at her! I love the determination and focus on her face in the picture! I am SUPER proud of how hard she is working and how she is being so brave too! This is NOT easy by any means for this age group to be doing...and look at her go!!
23 of them! They have worked so hard at Cheer Camp so far! Today finishes up Camp but we start actual practices next! Summer is flying wayyyyy toooo fast!

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