Saturday, July 1, 2017

Kicking it off!

We kicked off Alexis' birthday weekend yesterday with Mexican!

BOY was she super surprised when they started singing to her!

BOY was Imani....and Alexis...and Lily surprised when they put the sombrero on Imani's head first instead of Alexis'! That was funny! But, they figured it out quickly that it wasn't Imani...and gave Alexis the biggest face full of 'pie' {as Lily called it} in her face that I have seen done on anyone! :) :) :)

Today has been spent just doing nothing. Nothing on the agenda and it has been nice! We have relaxed and cleaned up and packed to get ready to head to our most FAVORITE place EVER....Auburn tomorrow!!

And..not to mention...Alexis turns 9 tomorrow!


Wow, it just doesnt seem real that she will be 9! We are looking forward to celebrating her and have a fun little family mini vacation too! Cant wait!

She was SO surprised! What a fun kick off to a beautiful girl that is having a birthday! Imani came and ate with us and came over for a little bit after Summer Camp so it made Alexis' day even more!
This picture cracks me up because she was preparing herself to have it in her face! :)
Look at it all! She said it went up her nose! went up her nose more when her Daddy tried to help her get it off her face! It was sooo funny! :)
Lily's face is hilarious! She thought it was soooo awesome that Alexis got that much on her! Bahaha! Imani was glad that they figured out that they had the hat on the wrong person! Ha!
Today we ventured out for just a little bit. We thought we would try the new restaurant since it just opened yesterday. We thought we would try it because we saw two parking spots open so despite the tremendously long drive-thru line, we thought the inside would not be that bad. WE we WRONG! We walked in...saw it was a madhouse...and walked back out! It cracks me up how when something new opens in Jacksonville...everyone and their grandmother and their cousin and their other cousin come for all over the world to check it out! So, we went to Jacks instead before doing a Wal-Mart run before heading back home!
This was the view of Cook-Out. The whole vacant lot across was packed full of cars! To me, this opening was more crazy than when Dairy Queen opened. {And that was a madhouse too!}

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