Saturday, July 22, 2017

So proud!

Whew, we have been on the move lately and soaking up Summertime!

This week has been full of swimming, sun, errands, bouncy houses, friends and spend the night parties!

I am SOOO proud of myself! I am not going to deny that I patted myself on my own back the other night! What do us girls do while Daddy is in Lowe's forever! I {out of nowhere} french braid the girl's hair! I have tried and tried, in the past, to braid their hair and it has always turned out horrible. But, for whatever reason....the light bulb just went off with me and I did it!....and I have been doing it every day since too! I dont know how in the world that it 'came to me' to figure it out..but it did and I love that I can do it now! Both girls look so cute with their hair braided! I have done half braids....side braids too! :)
The Fritts family rode their bikes over to our house the next night after this so we spent the late afternoon hanging out with them for a little bit before they rode back home!
Then last night, Alexis spent the night with Sara Kate so Tyler and I kicked off our 12th wedding anniversary weekend with Mata's Pizza and then we hit some shops before heading to the '3rd Friday' fun on the Jville square with this little one helping to celebrate with us! Mata's never disappoints! YUM!
 This was the sweetest thing ever! Lily and Jackson spotted each other at like the same time and took off running and hugged each other! It was the cutest thing on the planet! We hung out with him and the Green's while we were there listening to the live music as well as letting them play and jump in the bouncy house!
Lily wanted a picture with the pirate! Bahaha...oh me, I had to explain to her that he wasnt a pirate! In fact, he is 'Peter, the Patriot!' :) They both wanted a picture with him!
It was sooo muggy outside, but that didnt stop these sweaty two! They bounced and slid and bounced and slid! :), always, heavy on my heart but knowing that he is in such a better place than us makes the day go by a little easier. 7 years ago today rocked my world and I miss him everyday! Love you Pops!
We have Alexis back as I type this and she is currently passed out in the playroom since she came home from Sara Kate's saying they stayed up until 3:15am! WHAT!?!?! So, needless to say, she is napping well! She'll have to get up soon because we have Pawpaw's mother's side family reunion tonight at the Piedmont pool. The girls are pumped because the love going to that pool!

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