Monday, July 31, 2017

Every day is a happy day!

Well, today is the last day of July....

the Summer has officially flown by!...

This is also the last week of Summer break before the girls head off to 4th grade and Kindergarten!


Today I actually felt 'Fall' in the air this morning when I left to take the girls to Summer Camp and to head to work.

I love I am excited about it coming...but not excited that Summer is ending!

Which brings me to this picture! Alexis asked me if she could write something on the chalkboard picture that is in our kitchen that Tyler made me one Christmas. I havent had anything written on it for a couple of weeks now so I didnt mind her writing on it.

She loves to write 'fancy' and do her cursive letters and swirls and fun things when she writes so she was super excited!

She did the cutest board! She wrote...'Every day is a happy day!' :)
So, when I read this, it gave me a minute to have a little talk with her. So, I started off by saying...'So every day really a happy day? Dont you have some days where you might feel sad or something may not be going the way you want it to?'
She thought for a minute...and said 'Yes, not every day is a happy day, youre right.' So I asked her, when days arent so happy...and days dont go exactly the way you want it to and for those days that are hard....what should you do?'
And she said 'For those days, give it to God!'


Yes, not every day is a 'happy' day but you should always find the best in each day and always be thankful, but for those that's not.........give it to God!

God will see you through! God will help you with your hard days...and sad days...and days that you worry! Give it to God! Instead of having the weight of the problem..or 'not happy' day, how wonderful it is to know that you can trust God to lead you in the best direction and help you overcome! That God will comfort you and all you have to do is trust in him!

So, we added a little side note and the chalkboard is now perfect! :) :)
Lily had her very 1st spend the night adventure away from home! The girls headed over to play with the Fritt's girls Saturday afternoon and when Tyler went over to pick them up, they had convinced Mr. Ryan to let them all stay the night! Mr. Ryan had all of these girls by himself because Mrs. Carrie was out of town! Mr. Ryan is awesome...and brave...and these girls had a blast! There was no question that Lily would be fine and not have a problem staying the night because she has stayed several...several times with family and has always been fine.
Well, they had so much fun...and Mr. Ryan survived and we can mark it down in History as Lily's first friend, spend the night away party! it looking like school is about to start at our house or what?!?! We have Wal-Mart bags and school supplies in multiple locations these days!
Goodness, every where I turn....a reminder that Summer is almost over! :(


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