Saturday, July 8, 2017

Put the lime in the coconut!...

and drink it on up!....

NOT! :)

Not the coconut that we had! ha! Whoever made the lyrics to that song...must NOT have had a coconut like the one we had! haha!!

Lily {for whatever crazy reason} has been asking me to buy her a coconut so she can drink and eat it.

I dont know where...or why...she got this in her head but she even went as far as the other day to ask me to take her to Hawaii so she can get one!

So, while we were at Wal-Mart picking up last minute items for Alexis' party, I spotted some coconuts!!

It made Lily's day to get it and she could not WAIT for Daddy to get home from work so he could open it and she could drink and eat it!

So, Daddy got his drill out!!! open it up...


then it bombed!

It was NASTY!

I dont know how a coconut is disgusting...but it was! I have no idea why anyone would want to buy it and what the use is because it was not at ALL what any of us had in mind of how it would taste and be!

So, I guess we didnt get a 'good' and 'yummy' coconut...but after the experience of the one we did have...I dont think any of us will be trying another one anytime soon!

Daddy got his drill..........drilled it......strained it and poured it to be ready for sampling!! The girls were amazed watching him do all of this!
Lily could not wait to watch the juice come out of the coconut!!
This day was Thursday and my off day so since Alexis had her well child check, we headed to Oxford for that and then had lunch and got out toes ready for her party the next day!
Taking the 1st sip!
YUCK! Lily said it tasted like when has she had pee..........but I do have to say, it had the weirdest tang to it!
Then on to outside to bust it open and try it!..............Hmm...super hard and NOT good either! Kind of disappointed in our coconut experience but hey, glad we gave it a try! {To make Lily's day!} :)
This picture cracks me up because both Alexis and Lily were so pumped to watch him bust it open with the big hammer and so ready to try it. The way they look in the picture says it all! They were so interested!!
And...there she goes.... giving it a try!

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