Saturday, July 29, 2017

The best time with the best of old and dear friends!

When you look out and see this know you are going to have an awesome day!
Tyler did sooo awesome making this trailer to haul all of our kayaks/canoes!
 We took a quick shuttle to a different floating spot to start at than the land that we normally go on in Piedmont. We wanted to float longer and ensure that we high enough water! It did not disappoint! We had a blast! These four were soooo excited!
And....WOW...flashback of this same little crew...back in 2012!! WOW! Boy, time flies!! :)
Love this crew! We had sooo much fun today with them! I LOVED seeing Kelly and my kiddos having fun together and interacting! It was such a neat experience and we had big plans to keep doing fun other things with them in the future!!
We have been dear friends for as long as we are old! :)
 This picture CRACKS me up! Matt is hilarious and him and Tyler together equaled the kiddos had a blast! :)
 Soooo  nice...and soooo much fun!!!
Floating away! It was such a beautiful day today!
Alexis was sweet and let all the other littles try out her kayak. Camp decided he wanted to try and do it on his own and then he got stuck in a tree....and wanted to be attached again! :)
It was a running joke with Kelly and I about our picture taking skills. We both kept trying to get the 'best' picture...yet we would end up in tree branches or turned around,etc! Well, she got this one....and it is such an awesome picture! She also ran into the side of the bank as she was snapping it! ha!
After we were finished with the fun...we continued with taking the Herndon's to Solid Rock to enjoy a late lunch....and then, of course, ice cream! :)
Kelly is a MUCH better selfie/picture taker than me! She got the whole crew in! We cant wait to see what next adventure waits for us with them! Fun memories were made and now...we all came home to crash! Lily took about an hour nap before Mr. Ryan called and now both girls are playing at the Fritts house with Sara Kate for a little while. Tyler and I have some 'peace and quiet' for a little bit before we go and get them back. I know two girls that are going to sleep hard tonight!

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