Saturday, July 15, 2017

Lily's turn for friend fun!

So, Alexis has had friends spend the night with her for years now.

Lily has always been too young to have friends over.............and what I should point out, her friends were always too young to spend the night away.

Lily always tried her best to be like the 'big girls' and play with them....and the 'big girls' would allow her in on the fun with them sometimes...and then sometimes not.

So, yesterday, it was Lily's turn to finally have friends over to spend the night!

She is getting older, and so are her friends, so I told Lily she could invite Abby Grace and Callie over to spend the night with her!


Super excited and just could not wait for them to get to our house!

I had to explain to Alexis that it was Lily's turn to have people over and that she has friends over all the time. Well, Mrs. Carrie said that she could come over to spend the night with Carli since I was going to have Callie. So that was the plan.


At cheer practice Thursday..............Alexis and Carli were talking about them spending the night with each front of Savannah. Well, that made Savannah sad because she wasnt invited. So, Mrs. Carrie heard all of this because it was toward the end of practice and they were all over by the Mrs. Carrie said no, that no one was spending the night. Well, Mrs. Carrie texted me and let me know the situation since I was doing cheer stuff and I had a little talk to Alexis about how she feels when she isnt invited to things and how we have talked about how she should not do what her and Carli did, especially in front of Savannah. So, the spend the night part was cut. Hopefully it has taught her...and Carli....a lesson!

It worked out that Carli came with us to eat dinner and then her and Carli went back to Carli's house and played for a couple of hours before Lex came back home. {Mrs. Carrie and I thought that doing that was 'fair' since both girls were talking about it before Savannah came up....they just didnt hush about it once she did...long story....}

So, we all had dinner at their favorite {Baja} before heading home for the spend the night fun!

Flashback to Thursday before the spend the night fun.....we took a quick trip to Birmingham and of course, the girls begged to eat at Newks! Daddy was jealous that we went without him {even though he was invited to come!} It was soooo good!
They were being so good doing some hand claps together...quietly.... being sweet to eat other....
until they got to the part of.........'I won fair and square so now I get to pull your hair!' YEAH.......oh my goodness!!!....they both started pulling each other's hair!!!...and being loud that it 'hurt' but the other one wouldnt stop doing the other one! Yeah, so in 2 turned to chaos! :)
Let the fun begin! Baja fun for the win with this group of girls! They had so much fun together!
The 'big girls' headed to Carli's house and I sent over the idea that they make 'slime' while they are there and even sent over glitter glue for them to use! Mrs. Carrie was thrilled that I did that! :) They had fun for a couple of hours! this group of girls had the house to themselves! GET THIS!
So, right before Mrs. Carrie came and picked up Carli and Lex....Alexis specifically tells these three 'NOT go in her room...and Lily, leave my stuff alone while I am gone!' I know that....because I heard her as she was telling these 3 stooges this!
So, what do they do?!?! And...what does little 'pesky' sister do to the 'big' 'bossy' sister since she is gone and has no idea what is happening to her room?!?!?!
They grab a WHOLE bunch of stuff...........just anything they could grab.....and stashed it all under Lily's bed to hid it from Alexis.
Now, here is where things took a wrong turn for these three....
I had already been in Alexis' room {and I know where things are in her room} so when I went back in her room a little bit later to put her clean sheets on her bed...I noticed a couple of things missing that should not have been missing {such as her new pink speaker that she got for her birthday that is supposed to be on her nightstand...and her 2 monkey pillows that go on her beanbag, you know...things like that}
So, I know something is up....
and I probably has something to do with these three...........
so, I call all 3 of them into her room...and with a stern voice....
I look at them and say 'There is something different about Alexis' room that shouldnt be you 3 have anything to do with it being different???'
Callie cracks 1st!!
She says....'Mrs. Amber, I only got 1 thing!' {Bahaha...I am dying inside, by the way!!}
So, I look at Abby Grace next...........and she doesnt say anything so I look over at Lily and she gets this 'OH...Im in trouble look' and says, 'Okay, Mommy...hhmmm....yes, we got some stuff out of Alexis' room and hid it because she told us we could not go in her room!' {Yeah, back fired on her...she thought she would get away with it!}
So I tell them to show me right now where Alexis' stuff is....
and they all 3 run to under Lily's bed!!!
And...OH MY....they took about 15 things!...and it was all thrown under Lily's bed!!
I made them get it all out....
and I tried my best to put it all back EXACTLY where Alexis had it so she would not flip out when she got home!
I put all 3 of them in time-out and banned them to the play-room only for a movie after {in hopes that they would 'chill' out and go to bed!} :) :)
BUT..remember THIS! This is from our beach trip with Gran! Yeah....this was one of the items that was stashed under the bed!, Alexis got home. Went directly back to her room. I told the girls {since I had already got on to not mention it to Alexis so hopefully there wouldnt be any drama} Well, Alexis comes running to me...with this...crying and saying 'Mommy, look what they did to my shells!' Which, yes, I put it back in it's spot...but knew she was probably going to see the shells messed up.
The 3 stooges.....were guilty...and it was written all over their faces! They apologized to Lex, she accepted, and I told Alexis that I would help her re-do her shells. So, needless to say...these 3....are a handful! :)
What's funny is, it brings back a pretty funny memory of my own from when I spent the night with a friend. I spent the night with Shelby Elliot one night. I dont remember how old I was...but I remember it so it has to be one of those 'memories' where I was 'old enough' to {which is like 7 or 8  years old} Well, Shelby had a older brother {who in this scenario is Alexis} who was 'mean' and 'bossy' to us and wouldnt let us in his room and bossed us around. So, we got the very dumb  bright idea to tear up a TON of notebook paper {and I mean like 20 pieces of paper or more} into little {and I mean little} pieces of paper. Put the tore up paper in a basket...along with some ice cubes {what were we thinking?!?!?!} and THROW it in the 'bossy' big brother's room! Yeah...not a bright idea on our part! Well, I distinctly remember Shelby's Mom being really mad at us....and made us clean up ALLLLL the TINY pieces of paper....and ice cubes up from the 'bossy' 'mean' brother's room! Yeah...that was not fun! :) :) :)
They wanted a 'Fort' to sleep under so that is what they got and they thought it was awesome! Abby didnt want to take her eyes off the movie, Tinkerbell, to take a picture! My goal at this very moment was to have them pass out and go to bed! Do you know how much energy {that keeps going and going and going and going and going} is in this picture!?!? WHEW!!! :)
They had a blast together. They played and played and sang 'karaoke' and danced and colored and played 'kitchen' and cooked! They did it all! It was about 9:30 when this picture was taken and then it was 11:30pm when little Miss Callie came into my room {because at around 10:45pm they all looked like they were asleep, so I went to bed} When she came in...poor thing, the first thing out of her mouth was 'I dont want to go home.' Just a crying. :( Then she says...'But, I want my Mommy.' She was so sad at herself that she wanted to go home because she so bad wanted to stay. She just isnt at that place yet to spend the night away. So, I took her home and literally Lily and Abby were up and down the rest of the night. I went in there to tell them it was bed time and that they had to go to sleep {at some time of the night} but then I heard them laughing at around 4:00am..and it was full force from that point on! So, I feel like I had NO sleep...and as I type this {at  1:30pm} Lily is nice and passed out taking a nap that she has been doing for about 2 hours already! :) :)
So, for it to be Lily's first time having friends spend the was eventful to say the least! When Abby was getting ready for her Mom to come, she wanted to change out of her pajamas. I told her that she might want to stay in her pj's so she could rest and possibly get some sleep when she got home. Her response was...'I dont ever rest anywhere...especially at home!' Bahaha..well alrighty then!....she is a mess! :)
I would say Lily's first 'spend the night' experience was a success overall...but I think Daddy....and Alexis vote that Lily never has anyone spend the night ever again if you ask them!! :) :)

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