Thursday, June 29, 2017

A fish and a birthday!

Lily finished up swim lessons today and BOY, she has worked!

She has practiced and practiced and floated and floated!

She has done so well!

I am super proud of her hard work and determination!

She would grab one of the instructors and ask them..over and over... to let her jump to them or let her swim to them or help her or watch her float! None of the other kids asked for extra!

Yesterday Caroline's Mom took Alexis and Caroline on a 'fun day' together since Caroline is going to miss Alexis' party due to them being at the beach. They went and did what Alexis requested since it was her birthday 'treat!' BOY did she rack up! They took Alexis to her favorite place...Moe's to eat {per her request} and then they went to Justice to shop! They got matching shirts, {see the shirts they have on} matching fake fingernails! {oh can kind of see them on Caroline in the picture} and Leyla even got Alexis {and Caroline} a stuffed dog from Justice with the dog tag named Lexi {like her!} WHAT?!?!! Leyla did NOT have to do all of that...but it made Alexis' day and she had so much fun with her 'bestie' Caroline! :) :) :)
Yesterday Lily had a new instructor and she loves him and he really worked with her the most out of all the days!
Her favorite thing now is jumping in!
Last day today! Lily asked me if she could do swim lessons again next week. Whew NO, haha.....having to wash so many bathing suits and everything that comes with not only getting them all together for Summer Camp..but having to change Lily from a wet bathing suit to a dry one because she couldnt go all day in a wet bathing suit to turn around and swim in the afternoons at Camp, that I am glad for a break! :)
Lily has had fun with her little swim friends!
Doing a little happy dance in the water! It was overcast today which I was glad because I didnt have to worry about her getting sunburned that morning or that afternoon when they swam again!
Practicing and practicing!!
And...then she begged for him to take her to the deep end to swim! She swam and swam {everyone else was just hanging out in the shallow end...and she was working away!} and then he let go of her so it made her keep going on her own! She did it! She got on to him for doing that to her {which was funny...and he was dying laughing} but she did it! :) :)

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