Saturday, June 17, 2017

More PCB fun!

Whoo hoo!!

Tyler and I decided before we left for the beach that we wanted to do something fun and different together to celebrate our anniversary early and just to spend some alone time together!...

so we decided to go deep sea fishing!

I had never been and Tyler has been a ton and has loved it every time he has been with friends during his college days that we decided to do it!

It was so much fun and a perfect morning and day to fish!

I was not good at it but had a blast and enjoyed watching everyone else around me apparently stealing my fish because everyone caught a ton but me! :) I caught 5! Tyler caught 6 or so! :)

The girls had a blast hitting the pool with everyone else while we were gone! We got back around 1:00 and hit the pool too!

The boat was huge! The weather was perfect! The guy by me was fun to hang out with! :)

Waiting to set sail!
We found our spot!
Hello beautiful day! Usually it is super hot when we go down..but this week was cooler and so nice! nice! We had to be there at 6:30 so to see the day start was so nice!
Me and him! :)

We saw a TON of dolphins! They camped out by our boat every time we anchored down. They would do tricks and pat their fins at us for attention!
YUCK! Squid! blah!!...I didnt touch it and had our 'helper guy' and Tyler put it on my reel...until the end, I did it! :)
His first catch! It is dead!..he wanted bigger too! :)
My first catch! :) :) It is tricky to fish! The 'helper guy' and Tyler both made me sooo nervous about dropping my reel into the water! I was a nervous wreck praying that I never let go and that I wouldnt drop it! Luckily...I didnt! :)
He likes this catch better! He caught two at once a couple of times! :)
I would say it was a good day! :) It was the neatest thing to see everyone with their reels baited and hanging over the boat ready for the captain to blow the horn for us to drop it in! Tyler kept telling me that I needed to drop my line all the way to the bottom...well...the bottom was REALLY far down. I kept thinking several times that my line wasnt going to stop! Then, I would 'think' that I had something..spend 10 minutes sweating and praying as I reeled it in that I wasnt going to drop my pole and that there would be a nice huge fish on the end...only for it to still be the same ole bait! I know... I wasnt good...but I had fun! :)
We got back....hit the pool until time for this two to get all dressed up! :)
Two of the sassiest girls I know!
We went to Dave and Busters since as we were leaving to eat started to sprinkle. We havent been there before so we thought we would try it out since the rain was coming. The food was horrible...but the girls both said...'It was the best place ever and better than Chuck E Cheese!' :) So, I guess it was a win!.....{for them!} :)
Playing allll the games!
And more games before calling it a late night!
Then HUMP day! I usually love Hump day...but not when I am at the beach because that means it is closer to going back home!
This little ballerina mermaid was up and ready to find more shells!
This one wanted to hit the ocean!
So, they all floated out! The ocean was beautiful and so calm!
I love how the girls meet little friends to 'hang' out with during the week! They all had so much fun!
Alexis, Lily and Adam enjoying a popsicle! I always have to buy a huge box because it never fails that each year their friends they meet need a popsicle too! :)
Then these two sassy girls were ready to hit the town to help celebrate Gran's birthday on this day!
Before we left...we took pictures by the stay tuned for that post later! :)
Ready to celebrate!
Happy birthday to Gran! LongHorn was her choice and they brought out a birthday surprise on her day!
Then we did some fun shopping!
They always have to have a picture by the pirate....and make a 'pirate face' too! :)
We checked out Alvins Island to see the alligators!
That mouth is bigger than her head! Scary! :)
Once we were done with all the fun shopping...we headed to Pier Park and the girls spent the rest of the night doing things like this...and sliding down a huge slide with Gran...riding in a huge spinning dragon with Andrew...doing bumper cars with me before heading back to the Condo and crashing! BOY...we were tired on this night! :)

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