Saturday, June 24, 2017

American Ninja fireflies!

Have you heard of the TV show..American Ninja Warrior?

Well, we love that show!

We love to root on the competitor to make it through all the obstacles! It is awesome to see how hard the obstacles are, and watch them being conquered!

So, when we went to The Factory today........

the girls were pumped when they saw that they added a new addition!

They had a really cool new set-up of rope swings, a rope wall, a rock wall, etc and it was so fun!

Daddy and I kept saying...'Okay, American Ninja Warrior Alexis....Lily!....let's go! can do it!' :)

They ate it up and thought it was soooo cool to do obstacles like one of our favorite shows to watch as a family!

After we ran some errands, ate lunch, we came home to hang out with Brandon and do some coon hunting in our backyard!

I am BOUND and DETERMINED to get this raccoon that wont leave Tickles' food alone. The super chubby thing {because he keeps eating her food!!} is super smart and I have been trying for weeks to catch him!! So, Brandon brought Storm up and she tracked it's scent and so...hopefully.....SOON, the coon will be out being chased! :) {If you know anything about coon hunting..which I dont...but Brandon help to inform me!} :)

I cooked dinner, sent a 'to-go' plate home with Brandon and my little family of four spent the rest of the afternoon, until time for bed-time, outside enjoying the beautiful day! There was an 80% chance of rain today...and there wasn't a single drop so we soaked up the beautiful day! The girls caught fireflies and jumped on the trampoline...and ate popsicles....and we all just enjoyed being home! :)

They could have stayed here allllll day if we would have let them. They went back and forth..and back and forth and forward...and back...over and over.....and over playing and climbing on all of this! :)
 Trying...over and over to make it across!
 It wasnt easy!
 Hanging on for dear life! :)
 This picture cracks me up! She tried her hardest to get her foot over to the next disc!
 She flew through the rope wall!!
  Perfect toe touch! I was proud of myself for snapping this picture!
 Firefly time! One of my to watch the girls trying to catch them! They will RACE as fast as they can to get the firefly before the other one! Then they will make all kinds of funny moves to try and catch them! :)
 Alexis thought {for a minute} that if she just held her cup up.....that it would decide to just go in there! Bahaha...I was dying! :) :) :)
 Trying to get it before the other one did!
Got it!
They wanted to use these little cups to catch and hold the fireflies..yet both of them kept getting frustrated when they would fly out! Oh both girls were killing me! :) If you this picture...Lily is looking in her cups because one was trying to fly out!
And..look in the background of this picture! Alexis was looking in her cup because one of hers was trying to fly out! :) :) OH me! :) Lily was pumped that she caught hers! :)

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