Wednesday, June 7, 2017

3 things!

It has been a long while since I have done a '3 things post' so I thought I would do it!

1. Lily..oh Lily! The picture above sums her up completely right now! She is alllll things girly from head to toe! She LOVES for me to curl her hair...loves to pick out her outfits and wear dresses and she loves to dress up like the picture and play! She was the most excited to put this outfit on when it was time! She chose her purse to match...she switched shoes to have the 'perfect' pair...this girl is all into fashion right now! :)

2. OH snap! :) She has learned to snap her right hand{which I thought it would have been her left hand first since she is left handed and does everything as a lefty but she has surprised me!!} and she LOVES to do it! She goes around snapping all day...and all night! She will get so excited at herself where she hears the 'snap!' She practiced and practiced and worked and worked to finally 'make the noise!' I remember Alexis learning how to snap and her being so excited too when she finally mastered it! So, now I love to see the same excitement in Lily over something as little as learning to snap!
It has been a huge accomplishment for her and I love to hear her running to me saying 'Watch me snap Mommy, did you hear it?!'

3. She is becoming such a little lady. Just seems like she has just matured so much! Now dont get me wrong...she is still silly! :) :)...but, you can just tell that she is understanding more and really becoming her own little lady! She loves to sit and chat and chat with me and I just love our conversations! She gets so serious when she is telling her stories and about her day! She is just growing like a flash! :)

1. Can we say sassy?!?! This girl is getting WAY too big for her every department! She is growing like a weed and items are quickly becoming too small fast! She has been eating us out of house and home for the last couple of weeks and it is showing! Her teeth beside her front teeth are finally coming in. She has lost those baby teeth awhile ago and finally her 'big girl' teeth are coming through!

2.She is obsessed and I mean obsessed with hot sauce and buffalo sauce! Every where we go....she requests buffalo sauce with her meal! She loves everything with it! Chicken wraps, salads, chicken fingers, sliders, grilled chicken...the list goes on and on! She dips her french fries in it too! She thinks she is sooooo grown too when she eats it because 'Momma, it is HOTT...and not alot of people like 'hot' things like I do!' :) She is quick to tell someone too that she likes spicy things and buffalo sauce! :)

3. She can not get enough of making videos on her IPAD! She LOVES the cooking channel..and The Food Network station. She will get her IPAD and make videos of her cooking and doing demonstrations. This is allll day and night that she will act like she is on TV and make her videos. She has been loving this week at VBS that she has been in the 'Kids in the Kitchen' part learning how to cook. She has come home every night so far with her new samples that she made and just SO excited about what all she has been cutting, mixing, baking and creating!

She also likes to color and drew and video herself talking about how to hold the pencil, how to color, how to shade... any type of anything that she enjoys...she loves to make a video of her doing it! :)
Just the other day, she asked her Daddy for some pepper jack cheese. She calls him into the playroom and does a video while he is watching her 'cook' and how to shred the cheese and cook with it!   Maybe one day she will be a YouTube star! {she will be in Heaven if she does because she loves JoJo still too and making videos like her!} :)

So, that is '3 things' lately of the girls! There isnt really anything new much of Daddy and I. Daddy has completed his go-cart. He has been working on his new hobby....I have been doing/helping with Vacation Bible School this week at Church with the girls.
That is about it! :)

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