Friday, June 9, 2017

Fun Summer days!

We have had a very busy....but super fun summer week this week!

Today is Friday!...

tomorrow we head to PCB!...

Yay! :)

We had a super fun Summer day yesterday full of the Jville Library, picnics, friends, pool time and the great ending to VBS!

So, it all began..bright and early at the Jacksonville Public Library for story and craft time! I have heard how fun it is and since I was off..I thought we should check it out! There was a big turn-out {more than I thought} and it was SO much fun! We saw a ton of friends too and Lily and Alexis were SO excited!...
She made music! Such fun things to do!
The 'big kids' working on their craft! They were really into this and worked hard! :)
So, MY plan...was to do the Library...have a fun lunch and then come home and let the girls play outside the rest of the day so I could start packing because I have not packed one thing for our trip....
We have had VBS until 8:45 every night and work...that I just have not had a chance.
Well, I decided to do an impromptu surprise and asked Jaycee if she wanted to come over and play with Lily!...
So, she came with us...and they wanted a picnic...
so, that is what we did! :)
They did their watercolor sun chasers that they had gotten from the Library....
And..then this happened. I called Brandi {Jackson's Mom} and she brought him over so she could get some things done since she lives down the street and they had SOOOO much fun!
Look at them go!
SO fun! Jaycee was the best! She would fly down it! Poor Jackson...he kept getting stuck...about 4 inches from the beginning! We were all laughing sooo hard at him! So, I decided to get the dish soap out to help him be more 'slicky'.........BOY...did it work...and BOY were there bubbles and soap everywhere! They were all SUPER soapy! They had a blast!
So, it was looking like my plan to pack was getting lower and lower on the list of what I wanted to do on this fun day....
So, I decided to scratch it and hung outside with them! :) I turned the slip n slide around so they could go down the little hill....between that and the soap.....they were all flying!! :) :) :)
They found a bird egg and thought it was so cool! Lily was amazed!...then Jackson dropped it on accident and tried to pick it up and got egg everywhere and I had to explain to them that it was a baby bird egg...because Lily said Jackson killed the bird! I laughed so hard and a lot on this day at them! :) make packing even lower on the list...
after Jaycee left, Talena {Kaylin's Mom} called and asked us to come swimming at their house since we saw them at the Library too!
So, Jackson tagged along with us and we hit the pool! It was so nice and so fun to have some girl chat while all the kiddos played and swam!
So fun! We can pack fun things in all at once! We do it all the time and this day was another perfect example! :)
So we enjoyed there for a couple of hours before heading home to get cleaned up and rest before heading to the last night of VBS!
Alexis has LOVED 'Kids in the Kitchen!' She has learned how to set the table properly...and how to cook several different things such as 'dirt' cake...fruit pizza and more!
Her sweet class!
And Lily has had a BLAST too! Her sweet group! They are sooo precious!
Singing and dancing away! Can you spot Lily?!? She is on the second row towards the right of the picture! :)
Having fun and learning about Jesus!
My group was so fun! I loved getting to know them more and it was so fun to work with them! I hated I wasnt with Alexis in her group....or Lily in hers...but they helped make up for it because they were so fun and great to help with!
They worked hard on their little performance that they did in front of the parents! This was their ending pyramid! :)
Such a great group of sweet girls! I had so much fun with them this week!!

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