Monday, June 5, 2017

Royal balls and VBS!

We packed a WHOLE LOT of fun things into one day yesterday!

We had Church...then straight to Jaycee's Royal Ball birthday and then on to the 1st night of VBS!


we have through Thursday of fun VBS so we are going to be READY for the beach trip come Saturday!

Whoo hoo! :)

After Church..the little one was BEYOND excited to get ready for Jaycee's party! She has been ready for weeks for the day to come!
Sweet girls! Lily is slowly starting to understand that she has her friends and Alexis has her friends. THANKFULLY! :)
Fun props to use! Lily was Belle and Ryleigh was the Clock! :)
And speaking of Belle....she was at the party too! Lily kept coming up to me saying 'Mommy, she is NOT the real Belle' 'Is she, she isnt' She wanted to convince herself that she wasnt...but wanted her to be too! I didnt say anything... :) :)
Then..came home and changed and headed back to Church!
Free dinner every night this week! SCORE! :)
Let the fun begin! A fun to night to kick off VBS!
Funny story on this picture...
So, as SOON as we walk into the Fellowship Hall {here} Gavin {Collin's brother, not pictured} comes up to Alexis and says...'Alexis, Collin likes you!!' and takes off running outside! Well...Kathy {Collin's Mom} hears this and comes up to me and says... 'Yeah..Gavin is going to be in trouble for that one once Collin finds out what he did!' and then tells me that right before we got there...that Collin told Sam Parker {in the picture} that he likes Alexis...well then Sam Parker...says, you can't like her...I do!......
Then Collin says...well I do!
then....Missy {Sam Parker's Mom} comes up to me telling me the story too
well, Alexis hears all of this and is bright red cheeked as I have ever seen her!....
so, when I told them to smile for this picture....
both of them got SOOO shy!....
look at them!
So cute!
Alexis likes Sam Parker too...
and not Collin :(
But, I told her that like them friends!..... :) :)
And..isnt this the sweetest! I love me some Thompson!...he loves Lily!...and Lily LOVES to play with him!
SO, how funny would it be....Alexis and Sam Parker
Lily and Thompson
sisters and brothers....
I love this family so I would be okay with that! :) :) :)

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