Sunday, June 18, 2017

Final days of the best beach days!

Beach days are the best days!

True words! :) :) :)

Thursday we were up and some of the first ones out again to enjoy the day! We didnt take any of it for granted...that's for sure!

It was an awesome morning...and we got a good 4 hours in at the beach until it turned very very dark quickly! Thunder came quickly so since it was perfect timing for lunch...we headed to the room to eat instead of our regular routine of eating by the pool.

The girls were ready to hit the sand and find more shells on this morning!
Ready to find 'gold!'
So proud that she found a ton of 'good ones!'
Taking a break under the shade! :)
And all went dark! We had a really strong storm come through with really loud thunder so we hung out in the room! We all took a long nap...which this was the only day we did that..and it was nice!...and we watched a little TV....and then we made these! You know all the shells the girls have been collecting?!?...well, it was for this! We washed the shells, we colored the sand the color the girls wanted and then they picked out where to put them in their jars!
Homemade sea shell jar! So cute! :)..and cheap! All from the Dollar tree! :)
Lily had just woke up from a long nap so she was in zombie land for a little bit so Gran had to help more on this one! :)
This is the jar she picked out...and sand color and all of her shells that she worked hard to find!
And then......after a couple of turned beautiful again! Sooo...we cleaned up and headed back out! Lily couldnt wait to wear her new 'beach shirt' that she bought a couple of nights past from Alvin's Island!! :) Beach hair.....dont care! She wanted her hair to 'air dry' and be 'beachy' and she wanted to wear her new 'beach shirt' too on this afternoon! :)
We had the best dinner and time at Shuckums! The girls love to do Snapchat on my we did some pictures while we waited on our food! :)
Food time! This was the only picture I snapped  of Alexis eating oysters! Gran and Andrew couldnt believe that she liked them! She thought she was soooo cool eating them! :)
Then...go-cart time! We went to a new course....and they were fast and it was sooo much fun! Andrew and Lily claim they won!....
Tyler and Lex claim they won!.....all I know is....I was in last place! :) We did some more shopping/sight seeing before calling it a night after the fun go-cart time!!
Our last!!
Yet again, up and out...bright and early!
Ready for the fun and last day!
Still looking for shells even though we had already done our shell jars! :)
A little chatting while enjoying the beautiful ocean! The ocean was perfect on this day! The temp was was sooo calm and clear too!
Then Alexis did some 'scuba diving' per her...she loved this!................and Lily did some floating! :)
Seeing how cool it is under the water! She saw a ton of fish and picked up some really cool shells!
Lily would go grab a toy...and then run out and grab something different and float around with them!
We spent the rest of the day back at the pool after lunch..playing with friends...floating...hitting the hot tub...getting a tan and just having fun before we got cleaned up and headed to dinner to meet Brittney and Mitchell at Bayou Bills! The girls were excited to pet the alligators! They had a pool full of alligators that looked like they were ready to pounce on you if you went down there! It was a delicious place and fun atmosphere!
Ready to eat!
Miss Kennedy and us! :)
Brittney and Lily chatting and coloring!
Our table! Can you tell who in this picture were over taking pictures?!?! Let me give you a hint....the one starring at me...not smiling...and the one that is shaking her head 'no' as in she is not taking another picture! :) bahaha!
Then we couldnt figure out what to do next we hit the skee-ball games and the batting cages! We had so much fun trying to see who was going to beat who and have the highest score! :) Lily cracked me UP! She would do a big wind up................and then throw accident...into the lane to either the left or right of her instead of her own. It was hilarious! Or, she would hit it off the silver lower bar and it would fly back at us! We learned quickly to not stand behind her while she played! We had a great time!
Look at this stud!
I havent hit a ball in years! It was so fun...and I did it in heels! I posted this picture on Facebook and my co-workers got a kick out of it! {They love to make fun of me!} :)
And so that was it! We headed back to the condo and crashed because it was really past our bedtimes! We got up the next morning........loaded up and headed home! I was proud of Tyler and I because we got home....unpacked everything..I cleaned and straightened up and we were done with everything from even having the luggage back in the attic...including Tyler washing and vacuuming my car to him cutting the grass within 2 hours of being home! :) It was like it never happened.
Nice to have been done unpacking but sad too!

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