Saturday, June 3, 2017

Leaves and parties!

We have been having parties galore lately...

and we have even more coming up tomorrow and next week

and the next...

and the next!

And..even the next!

All of our friends and family have birthdays back to back here lately!

Alexis had a spend the night birthday party for Sara Kate last night. Allison {Sara Kate's Mom} surprised Sara Kate and all of her friends by having a softball game at the JSU field. Once they were worn out with that....they headed to their pool to cool off!

Then, Alexis had to tag along with them all to their actual softball practice before heading back to SK's to swim more and 'stay up allll night!'

It all WORE Alexis out because she took a looooong nap as soon as she got home!

While Alexis was having fun at the party...

Tyler and I worked in the yard...

and I dont know how I got suckered in to the not so fun part...

but Tyler had a little helper building our new kayak/canoe spot while I did leaves...and sticks!

NOT fun! :) :) compared to them! :)

Not to mention...a of syrup fell from the 3rd shelf in the pantry and between getting that all cleaned up...and the leaves and sticks.......equals ONE tired person! :) ME! :)

So, all of us are having a relaxing rest of the afternoon...

doing nothing! :) :)

They all thought they were 'BIG' stuff getting to play some ball on the JSU field! :)
Happy birthday SK!
Some night swimming! Allison thought this would wear them out....NOPE! :)
Up...bright and early for more swimming and fun! We got her this 'Emoji' float....Alexis said she LOVED it and was her favorite gift! :) :)
Breakfast by the pool before heading home.................. to crash and take a nap the rest of the day! :) home...
Two little builders!
Daddy had a great helper! He built a canoe/kayak stand that holds 6! It is awesome! He put a tarp over it all to keep the weather out so I didnt get a picture of the 'finished' product...but he did a great job!
And....Tickles did this while we all worked! Apparently the saws and the drills and the racking of leaves was toooo loud for her so she stuck her head under the bench while she napped! :)
It would be hilarious to see her reaction if this thing was in water when she woke up! :)
And...this was my view...
Yeah....I got the short end of the stick!.........literally! :) :) :) :)
This was ALLLL me! Whew...I got my work-out in.........for the rest of the month! It kicked my booty! :) This was all done before 8:30am too! So....what did you do today!?!?! :)
My chair and blanket...sure feels great right about now as I type this! :) :)

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