Friday, June 2, 2017

First Friday!

Today marked the first Friday of 'Summer' for us!

Whooo hooo!!

Is all I can say!

We love Summer! :)

These two were SUPER excited to head to 'Summer Camp!' Lily was dressed {she was a hurricane through her drawers!!} with her very own creation of an outfit and in my room to tell me she was ready to 5:45 in the MORNING! She was THAT excited! :)
Lily, Ava and 'another' Lily! She has her own little crew and they follow each other around everywhere! Abby Grace goes too...she just wasnt there yet when I snapped this picture! Lily talks and talks and talks about them when she gets home and what all they all did with each other! :)
Alexis has Imani, Chloe and Caroline {Caroline doesnt go everyday} that she 'hangs' with! She also knows and talks to Ava Caroline, Kate and Collin too! :) I love how they have sweet friends to have fun with since I have to work in the Summers and cant be out with them!
And...yesterday...this girl turned the  BIG 6-0! Pam's 60! She looks awesome for 60!..and I can say that because I have a co-worker that just turned 60 and I love this co-worker to death...but she 'looks 60' you know what I mean?...............Pam doesnt! :)
We all celebrated her with Olive Garden!
Lex and Daddy!
Happy birthday to YOU! :)
We have had a great 'first week of Summer' and the 'first' Friday too! :)

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