Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Little fish!

Lily is loving swim lessons!

And so much so...

that she thinks that she is an expert swimmer...

and does NOT need her 'swimmy' any longer!

So, I have been having to deal with that since swim lessons have started, but at least she is loving the water, not scared and improving every day!

Meeting everyone on the first day! She was SO excited to start!
Her sweet friend from Church and her chatting while they kicked! Sweet Sara Rose! :)
Her little class kicking and splashing away! The bigger the splash, the bigger the smile on their faces!
My little swimmer!
Look at her go! I am so proud of her! She is a very determined and hardworking little thing!
Then they played Marco/Polo and Lily was trying to get everyone! It was funny!
She loved this!
Learning how to kick hard to make it down the pool!
Getting better with her floating! She was more comfortable toward the end of the week letting her head be under the water more!
And LOOK at this! She officially is jumping off the side of the pool without needing to have someone catch her!......
AND....then swimming underwater after she jumped in! AWESOME! She is a little fish!...just like Alexis!
Cant wait for her to grow even more when next week comes! :)

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