Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Where has June gone?


Why is it gone!?!

This month has flown by and we only have a couple of days left until we are heading into the last month before school starts back!


We have soaked it all up and I cant say that we didnt pack in as much fun as we possibly could!

We had a lazy day yesterday just recuperating from the weekend and just playing 'catch up!'

Lily is back in FULL swing of swim lessons........

which is making the 'swimmy' wearing situation worse!

Poor thing...she has cried...and cried...and cried about still having to wear her 'swimmys' even though she thinks she shouldnt have to anymore. It has been a looooonnngg battle with it but Daddy 'laid the law down' today and just told her that she has to wear them until she can prove to him that she can swim and do everything that he asks. She didnt like that answer but even with me trying to explain to her about it..she didnt go to bed tooooo happy. I am grateful that she is loving lessons and learning...but BOY, the stubbornness and determination in her makes this situation more tough! :)

Ready to be in the 'deep end!' She is just sooo excited and thinks she is so BIG to be in the deep end!
Jumping in is her favorite now!
Kicking hard! REALLY  hard! :)
This little thing!.....oh, she is so big on soooo many levels!! :)
Doing something new now! They have to swim through the hula hoop!
She has worked so hard to float! She is sooo proud of herself for doing this! The smile melts me when she pops up!
We came home on a 'lazy' Monday and the girls spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying just relaxing and playing outside! I enjoyed catching up on odds and ends while they played. It was a nice and low key afternoon just being at home! :)
Tickles, of course, had to join in on the fun!
So, you know how we love to pack a ton of fun things all in at one time!...well, we capped off our day by heading to Miller's 10th birthday swim party! The Piedmont pool is always a hit and she could not wait to swim...swim..swim! :)
Cooper and Lily love to play...and they had fun on the big Emoji float!
And then...LOOK at this! Lily would go up...and stand on the edge and then turn around and get off. Then, she would go back up...and then go back down. And THEN....out of nowhere, she just climbed back up....and jumped off! :) She did it 2 more times and then I think she was good but I was super proud of her for not being scared!
Happy birthday to Miller!
We came home just in time for bath-time and BED! :) Awesome! :)
Tonight we had Ms. Paige and Ms. Tierra and Imani over to go over the cheer routine and to start gearing up for cheer that will be starting right around the corner. Crazy how it is almost that time again! The girls enjoyed jumping on the trampoline and playing while us Coaches brainstormed and learned the routine! I am super excited about the season..........just not so excited that it is getting that time already! WOW....our Summer is flying...............WAYYYY toooooo fast! BOO!
Tomorrow Alexis has a fun play afternoon at Caroline's since she is not able to come to Alexis' birthday party so Alexis is pumped about that! She has only asked me 10 billion...catrillion....bazillion times if today is the day! :)
Whew! :) :)

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