Sunday, June 25, 2017

Let's GO Braves!

We had an impromptu Braves trip today to visit their new ball field and it was great! 

We have been wanting to visit and see what the new park was all about and today marked that day!

It was an absolute perfect day to be at the field. The weather was overcast and the breeze made it just right!

Tyler and I both agree though, that the new field is awesome but there is just something about the old Turner field that the new field just can compare! Turner field was a lot bigger and you could just feel the history and the baseball nostalgic there.

Maybe one day, this new field will get that same ole feeling..... hopefully! :)

My little family of four had a great day together and we cheered, and did the tomahawk chop, ate cotton-candy, a funnel cake, and more as we enjoyed the game!

Even though the Braves lost to the Milwaukee Brewers, we never stopped cheering! :)

We made a pit stop on the way and she wanted me to take a picture of her with Ms. M&M! :) When she actually asks to take a picture...I jump on the chance! :)
On our way to see the Braves play!
The new park! It isnt as big as Turner and I missed seeing the big baseball monuments too but Suntrust is 'high tech' and new and top of the line!
Daddy and his girls!
Me and my girls!
They have a really nice grassy area where kids could throw balls and everyone could hang out before and during the game! It was a nice area surrounded by restaurants and hot dog stands, etc! We ate lunch right behind where the girls are in the picture and then both girls had fun sticking their feet in the water before we went to our seats!
A nice view of the inside!
We had perfect seats. The breeze, great view and we were underneath the cover so we were nice and shaded!
Tyler got some loto hopefully our name will be on that sign of us winning that number it is showing! :)
This little girl begged to wear her Daddy's hat so he fixed it right up to her size and it made her day!
And....she has it made!
It was a lot safer walking to and from our car unlike Turner this time. At Turner we sometimes had to 'duck and go' from people begging for money, etc. So, the nice bridge was cool to walk over as all the cars that were underneath us passed by! We got home just in time for dinner and to grab a movie from Redbox to watch once the girls went to bed! Perfection! :)

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