Thursday, June 22, 2017

McWayne fun!

Today was my day off...

and if I could have cancelled and not gone...we probably would have..

but I had already committed and was responsible for other littles....

so, we hunkered down and took the storm by grips and headed to B'ham for McWayne fun!

We had to go down to the basement area twice...with all the kids...and everyone else in the entire building twice due to storm warnings...

but nonetheless, the kids had a blast!

We love McWayne and the girls love to go with friends so it was worth it!

Boy, Im tired though!

I have heard....where you go to work....because being at home is harder! Well, if you havent, Im saying it...and today was one of those days! :)

We wouldnt have been able to do anything at home really because of all the rain with the hurricanes/tropical storms that are rolling Im glad the girls had a good time!

Ready to go and play! We had a big crew with us today!
Elyse and Lily love playing together!
Bubbles were a huge hit!
Sweet friends!
Sweet friends too! Lily and Deven!
I dont know what happened to the picture I took of Lily doing this but both girls were not too sure of the 'bed of nails!' You lay on this thing and then someone presses a button and the 'nails' pop up! Alexis said it hurt her back! :)
Friends forever. I didnt tell Alexis that SK was going. She was so shocked when she saw her! :)
The huge screen was so interactive! Wherever your arms or body would bounce the petals or whatever they had 'falling!'
Lily thought this was amazing! I dont remember this section from the last times we have came but not sure if it is new or not! She was on TV! :)
She could not get over how she had to stand of front of this screen but what she saw on the TV! She was amazed!
Alexis and Audrey had fun with their TV appearance too! So, the girls had a blast! Luna rode with me and she had a blast! Both Luna and Lily both slept the entire way I had my flashers on for a good bit of the time because of the horrible rain!....but, we made it home, we are curled up right it still raining! Ahh..... :)

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