Sunday, August 19, 2018

A friend weekend!

Its always great to have friends!

Friends are the ones that you get to choose though you dont get to choose some of your family members! Im SO glad that Alexis and Lily are developing their friend groups and making sweet memories with them too!

Friday Alexis had Carolone's camping birthday party. So, she took about a 3 and a half hour nap on Saturday! BOY was she exhausted! She said she had a blast though due to rain...they had to camp inside! ha!

Then Saturday, {after Alexis' 3 and a half hour nap} Tyler and I had a date night with some of the oldest and best friends around! We didnt take ANY pictures...which was A-okay with me since we did nothing but chat and chat more and laugh and laugh more as we enjoyed a yummy dinner without kids! Alexis ended up going over to Willa Kate's house with Savannah and Lily went over to Nan's while we enjoyed our night out! I have a feeling Tyler and I had more fun than the girls! :) :)

Today was full of Church, lunch, cheer practice and then the best laid back afternoon with a yard full of girls having fun! They did everything from eating popsicles, coloring with side-walk chalk, slipping-n-sliding, and having a dance party that also included jumping on the trampoline, having a tag and chase game and riding their bikes up and down the hill on our street! They had the BEST afternoon! Emily and I sat and chatted the whole time we monitored the girls fun! The weather was perfect and it was alot of fun!

While Alexis was snoozing Saturday since she stayed up all night at Caroline's....Lily, Daddy and I played games! If you have never played the game 'Head's Up' with this are MISSING out! OH my goodness to play this game with her! She cracked Tyler and I up the entire game with the way she would give us clues as to what was on our head,etc! It was soooo funny! Made my day for sure playing with her! :)  :)
Savannah and Willa Kate came zooming up our drive-way on their bikes to ask Alexis over right when she was about to leave so it was perfect timing! Alexis spent the rest of Saturday night at Willa Kate's swimming and cooking out with her family and Savannah! She had a blast!
This group had so much fun this afternoon! They played and played and played and played! I didnt even realize what time it was because they were being so good and playing while Emily and I chatted that it was getting dark before I realized everyone needed to start heading home!
This group is SUPER silly! :) They had so much fun!
This picture cracks me up for several reasons...but the main one is Lily in her goggles! bahaha!
She just HAD HAD HAD to wear them in order to slip-n-slide! bahaha!
This girl cracks me up ALL the time! :)

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