Thursday, August 30, 2018

It has happened!

Lily loves homework!

She really does!

For years she has asked me to 'give her homework too like Alexis' because she has watched Alexis doing homework for years!

Now, you would think....after watching Alexis {and some of the pain of watching Alexis get through some of her homework} that Lily would NOT want anything to do with homework!



So, in Kindergarten...she did really have 'homework.' She had some little things throughout her Kindergarten year that she had to do but it was never actually 'homework!'

Well, this week....she GOT her homework! REAL homework!

AND...she was SOOO excited! This whole week...she has been ON it as far as getting her work out and doing it!

She has her VERY 1st BIG spelling test tomorrow...and she is SO excited about it! :)

She has been practicing every night! She has gotten them all correct AND I have been super impressed with how her handwriting has gotten so neat and clean!

Tyler and I just sat and watched her as she worked the other day with a huge smile on our faces because she was just working so hard and being so patient and just rocking her work!

And...she wanted me to take a picture of her Tuesday night of 'her favorite ballet pose!' So I did! She was moving so the picture is blurry...but THIS year marks 5 years of dance for this one! She is PUMPED about it too! :)
This sassy little thing is just growing up way TOO fast right before my eyes!

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