Saturday, August 4, 2018

Let's BASH!

We had a great...great...and fun night with our neighbors last night!

Last night we hosted about 55 of our neighbors and the night was filled with music,lights, food, fellowship, laughter, air hockey, basketball tournaments, softball games, corn-hole, bubbles, and more!

We had the best time getting to know neighbors that are newer to the neighborhood as well as ones that have lived here for awhile!

It was a big hit and we all cant wait for the next one!

This picture cracks me up because I had about 5 helpers {and I am using that word loosely!} that helped me set up a little bit! They drew this in the road to make sure everyone knew....Party this way! :) :)
And...they even made parking spots! bahaha! What was funny...they were actually used! There were a couple of bikes and a four wheeler perfectly parked in them!
We had a TON of yummy food! We had sooo much!
Everyone got to know each other and just hung out and talked! So nice and a beautiful afternoon!
More catching up!
There were kids everywhere! Between the yard...the trampoline...the area where I put the sidewalk chalk and our basement....they played and played!
I got the crew above to take a picture real quick! They were not too happy with me for breaking up their game for a minute for a picture! :) I wish I would have gotten a picture of ALLLL the kiddos as there were sooo many!
Just some of us girls! Not all were even in this picture. It was such a great time getting to know everyone and just relaxing! Cant wait for the next one!

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