Thursday, August 9, 2018

They survived day 2...and 3 things!

They both had another great day today and Im so glad that they have! They came home with all smiles and....

two things Alexis loved from today..
1. That she got to spend more time with her friends
2. That she learned more about what all she will be doing this year!

two things that Lily loved from today...
1.That she made a new friend today
2.That she didnt 'clip down' today {OH goodness, this child!}  :) :)

So...I havent done 3 things lately and since it is a new season of life, I think it is fitting!


1. OH this girl! Everything about her screams growing up! How she chooses her outfits, how she brushes her she no longer thinks her toys, etc are cool! She is turning closer and closer into a teenager...and she still has 3 years! :) I love seeing her grown into the lady that she is becoming. Her and I had a long talk the night before school started about her nerves, her thoughts, her feelings on growing up. While we were talking...she said 'Mommy, I hope everyone sees that I am nice and that I think of others.' I told her, what matters is that you do things without others should be nice to others even when it brings nothing to show to yourself, and in return people will actually, in fact, see how beautiful you are on the inside!' She is learning...she is growing...and Im so proud of her!

2.She is so proud and loves her new smile! She just got her braces off and she is just in awe of her teeth. She also has been so good about brushing her teeth and keeping up with and wearing her retainer. She is such a responsible girl!

3.5th grade! She just started the new school year and to see how excited she is about school makes my heart happy! She is ready to conquer this new year!


1. This one has just bloomed over the last couple of months! She has hit a big growth spurt and is starting to surpass Alexis! They both are wearing the SAME size panties right now! bahaha! Alexis will kill me knowing I wrote this...but Lily thinks it is so awesome! :) :)

2.Her ROOOMMMM!! Oh my goodness if you walk in her will think a BOMB went off! The thing about it, though, is....she knows exactly where she has put everything. Everything is in a spot and laid out ALL over the place in the exact spot she wants it! If I move a single tiny toy or anything..she has a come apart because her room is NOW messed up! It is a daily struggle with her!

3.She still will tell you that she should be in the 2nd grade instead of the 1st grade....just because she can not get over the fact that there is an age cut-off BUT...she is loving 1st grade so far and super excited about school starting back just like Alexis! She has become such a good helper to me and just loves doing 'homework.' She is just growing up SO fast too! :)

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