Monday, August 13, 2018

A fun friend Friday night!

To celebrate and cap off a great first week of school....

the girls had a great Friday night with friends spending the night with them!

So....up next, we picked up sweet Madelyn and headed to Baja for dinner! These sweet girls had fun eating and chatting together!
Then...we went and picked up Ella to join the fun! We headed to Germania Springs and they played and played!
AND...then they wanted to get in the CREEK!
Their faces when they got in was priceless! They said it was chilly! :)
Splashing and playing! I totally didnt have this in the plans to come....and for that matter to have them in the creek...OR...for them all to be soaking wet! memories and they had a BLAST! So...I took all of them home...and they jumped and played in the treehouse...ate popsicles....and played more before coming in and me giving them allllll a bath and washing their dirty and WET clothes! :)
These two are WAY too cool for school! But...dont let their 'coolness' fool you...they were soaking wet too from splashing and playing too! :) :)
Three sweet friends!
They had a blast in the treehouse! They all claimed they were going to sleep up there!
Such a peaceful Friday night! This was Tyler and mine's view! They were all up there laughing and having a great time!
Soo...they decided to not spend the night they got all cleaned up and curled up after playing school in the playroom!
They all survived the night! After this...we all got cleaned up and Caroline...Alexis and I headed to ATL for a fun weekend and to see Taylor Swift! WHOO HOO! :) :)

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