Sunday, August 5, 2018

Almost over!

You know Summer is almost over when....

we have the Law reunion!

It is always a time of the year that I look forward also marks that school is about to start since it is the 1st weekend in August!

Summer is officially almost over...with only 2 days left! It has just FLOWN by!

This two looked beautiful for Church and then beautiful for the reunion!
Some of the reasons the Law reunion takes place! :) :) Brother and sisterly love! :)
Some guy talk happens while waiting for everyone to get there and to eat!
Then food time! TONS of food...every year! We took home to go boxes so yep, didnt have to worry about dinner either!
THIS girl of mine! She is a mess! She was trying her best to block every picture Alexis was trying to take!
Stinker! :)
Family picture...minus one that was behind the camera phone!
Sweet Olivia! She is sooo adorable! Trying to get a picture of these three together was HARD! :)
Trying to get an almost 2 year old to stand still never works! :)
We came home and my two ended the day in the pool! We are trying our best to soak up as much of Summer that there is left! <3

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