Saturday, September 1, 2018

Just the way we like it!

Friday night lights is BACK!

Golden Eagles vs those Valley Death Valley...

perfection of an afternoon and night..

fun with friends..

cheering and chatting



Just the way we like it!

Kicking off Friday night lights last night was perfection!

The girls first Friday pep rally day! They were SO excited to get to go the pep rally today at the high school!
 The sunset was so pretty! And....Eagles scored first! :)
 These two sat with us for .2 seconds...then they were gone!
 These three ran around and played the entire game...laughing and cheering and being silly! Lauren was with them too, I just couldnt ever get them all together for another picture!
Could never catch Alexis with her friends because she was 'tooooo coooool for school' to let me take a picture! {She was too busy walking back and forth on the bleachers looking 'cool'} :) :) :)
 These two thought they were something when Tyler gave them each a dollar and told them they could buy WHATEVER they wanted! Bahaha...they bought a huge nasty pickle! :)
 Final score! Goooo Eagles! Great game for sure!

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