Sunday, September 30, 2018

A Fall weekend with surprises!

Tomorrow is October! I love October....but I really love September and I cant believe it is over already.

My goodness, time really does fly!

We were up and ready to go to Auburn!....well, two of us were....and the other two spent the day with Nan and Pawpaw!
This cutie looked super cute in her Auburn gear!
Orange and blue are her colors!
Two Auburn chicks!
Sooo....who went to Auburn and enjoyed the day.....until the storms came that is! We were talking..and we could not ever remember having a 2 hour weather delay and it all the years we have gone to games! We still enjoyed our day...kid free! :) ....and the 1st half until we left and did some shopping and dinner before heading home. A day on the always a good day...even with some rain! :) two had a great date day! 2nd date in a week! We will take it! :) The girls had a blast with Nan and they were just fine too! :)
This morning...little sassy was ready for Church!
Two sassy chicks!
Big sassy!
Nannie and LaLa surprised us and came over for a little bit! LaLa brought Lily's birthday gift...and she was in Heaven! The BEST tasting cotton candy...and 'unicorn snot' {this really cute and glittery lip gloss} and a really cute water bottle! Right up Lily's alley!
My girls love their LaLa!

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